Chapter 2

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"I can't believe he caved. What do you think was the deciding factor?" Bull questions from across my desk. My best friend sits with his dress shoes propped up on the edge of the solid mahogany surface, a suspicious glare on his face. For a moment, my focus is drawn to the side of his shoe. A scuff discolors the leather, and I wonder how he got it. It wasn't there this morning.

Shrugging, I draw my attention back down to the signed contract and away from his insignificant shoe. "I'm not sure. I've been wooing his ass for months. The prick liked dangling that carrot. I'd planned on taking him to a Knicks game, but before I could even tell him about the tickets, he called and said he wanted to sell." I run my fingers through my dark hair and let out a sigh. "Feels too easy. I don't like it."

He's tense as fuck, so I know I'm not out of line here.

"It's airtight," I mutter as I thumb through the contract. The wheels inside my head click and whir as all of the data flits through. Nothing stands out. But Yang gave in sooner than I anticipated for a reason.

I want to know that reason.

"Come in," Bull hollers.

I didn't even hear anyone knock. He's my eyes when I'm focused on the sole thing in front of me, whatever that may be. We've been this way since we were scrawny little thirteen-year-olds. I was blinded to everything around me by what was right in front of me even then, and he always had my back.

My eyes narrow on the sales price. Fair. Not too high and not too low. Yang and Manoban Subsidiaries both leave the sale feeling good. Nobody screwed the other. Just business. But that stubborn old fuck has been yanking my chain for months. Milking it for all he could. He knows I wanted that resort. Not because I wanted to plow it down and sell the land. Because I just wanted it. A beautiful New England high-end resort overlooking the glorious Atlantic. I'd stayed there on a business trip and fell in love. I've torn apart the owner's financials, the land records, every single builder who contributed to the construction, the staff, the—


I blink away my daze and dart my eyes over to my spotter. His eyes are widened and his feet are no longer on my desk. Something is happening, but I'm so wrapped up in my head I don't even realize it. This is why I need him. I'm vulnerable without him. Always have been.

"Lisa," he bites out in a firm tone. "Miss Kim is here to see you."

I frown at him before dragging my attention to the heavily breathing female standing in front of my desk. Her palm is flat against a piece of paper that she has pinned to the surface of my desk.

My eyes travel up her nicely manicured nails, past her delicate wrist, along her slender arm that's still visible despite the sheer white blouse she's wearing. By the time my gaze is on her shoulder, I can't help but skim across her pert breasts and then up her throat. A strand of old pearls hangs at the base of her neck. These aren't the type of pearls you find at Tiffany's or some other high-end shop. And they sure as hell aren't cheap. These are an heirloom, probably passed down to her. Something my mother would have worn when she was herself. Something that would have belonged to her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. The pearls are unique and—

"I quit."

Her throat is bright red and her chest still heaves. I skim the rest of the way up, bypassing her feminine features, to meet the fiery, brown-eyed gaze of a woman. Miss Kim, as Bull says.

"What?" My brows furrow together in confusion. This woman, whom I don't even know, is pissed at me. As if I've personally wronged her. I'm careful about the women I sleep with. I have certain requirements. Certain expectations. Not once has that ever come back to bite me in the ass.

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