"Her name is Jennie," I growl.

He holds his hands up in defense. "Fine. Jennie. Anyway, Junhoe replaced him but apparently, Chanwoo hires shitty guys because he's number one on the list right beside Brent Adams."

I slam my fist on the mahogany desk and glare. "I want Adams and Junhoe gone. But not before I talk to them."

Bull's eyebrow lifts and he smirks. "You can't kick their asses."

"No, but I can scare the shit out of the little pricks."

He sighs and stands up. "I guess it's high time we cleaned house around here."

"We have eleven days to make her stay," I tell him, my mind whirring with ways to make that happen. I'll be goddamned if I let her go to Slante who is no better than Adams or Junhoe or any of these other fuckers.

"What if she doesn't want to stay?" he challenges.

My nostrils flare. "That's just not a fucking option, man."

After I place an order to the flower company, I start a little recon on my own. I start with Facebook first. I sift through her friends list looking for connections and cross-reference most of them as women who work for me and their friends. Nobody traces back to the town where her mother works. I'd looked up the diner name on the paper I found in her closet. My Jennie is far from home.

Kai doesn't come up on Facebook but he does have a rap sheet a mile fucking long. Mostly for drugs, assault and battery, and pimping and pandering. My blood pressure rises as I wonder if he pimped Jennie out. The thought makes me borderline fucking crazy. I'm going to find this guy and make him bleed.

Unfortunately, he's not showing up anywhere when I try to hunt him down. No addresses. No legal jobs. Nothing. And he isn't dead because there isn't any record of that either. He's flying low under the radar.

But now that I have my sights on him, I'll find him. I'll put my crosshairs on his motherfucking head and blow his brains from here to Connecticut.

After I send an email to Dusty with what little info I have, I check on an Amazon order I placed this weekend while I was chilling under Jennie's bed. I have a surprise coming in today that I paid expedited shipping for.

Now that she's practically mine, I want to shower her with everything. Love. Attention. Gifts. Cum.

People start filing in. Normally I don't notice them but today I have my door open. I'm waiting for her. It's been just an hour since I've last seen her, and I'm going nuts. This weekend she was semi-casual and I'm dying to see her in some sexy office attire. Goddamn, I need this woman.

My ears perk up when I hear the name Junhoe outside my door. A douchebag-looking motherfucker stops to talk to Chanwoo from HR. They chuckle and discuss last night's game. When a woman walks by, Junhoe's narrowed gaze follows her ass.

Rage bubbles up inside me.

Jennie was right. This place is crawling with sexist pigs. Because of me. Had I laid down the law in the beginning, these assholes would know how to act. But since they know they can get away with this shit—because human resources clearly doesn't have a fucking issue—they continue to abuse the situation and my female staff.

They abuse my Jennie.

I stand from my chair and fist my hands.

Bull is going to gather the men and we'll have a big fucking meeting later this afternoon. Until then, I need to let Junhoe feel my fury. I stalk out into the hallway. His gaze turns from leering to friendly as he regards me.

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