Halloween party, a haunted hotel, and sherlock holmes

Start from the beginning

I go upstairs, and I get in the shower, washing my hair three times, etc. I get out of the shower like half an hour later, and I change my transtape and quickly dry myself off and wrap the towel around my waist, and I walk into our bedroom, and pull out a black shirt and blazer and black trousers and obviously some pants and stuff. Kit comes up from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist
"What are you doing?" I laugh
"Can I not show my boyfriend some affection?"
"Yes, but I need to get ready, and you need to shower,"
"I hate you," he says, walking off
"I love you too,"

I get dressed, and I walk into the bathroom, sorting out my hair and looking at my outfit. The shower turns off, and I'm still fixing my hair
"Kit, you might want to wait to get out if you don't want me seeing you with literally no clothes on."
"You think I care?" he says, getting out

He walks up to me, and he goes to hug me
"Dry yourself first and maybe put on some pants." I say
Kit rolls his eyes but drys off anyway and puts his towel around his waist
"Kitkat, do I look like sherlock?"
I say, turning around
"Yeah, you do,"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure,"

I smile, and I hug him
"Now you become my John Watson."
Kit rolls his eyes but walks into the bedroom and gets dressed. I sit downstairs, it took me almost an hour and a half to get ready, how does kit get ready so fast. Kit comes down in a white shirt, a dark grey waist coat, and a black blazer and trousers, I stand up, and I stare at him in awe.
"What?" he laughs
"You," I say quietly, "you look really hot, like I want to pin you to a wall right now,"
"River," he laughs
"Sorry," I say, blushing

He grabs my hand
"Let's go," he says
We walked into the hallway, and we put on our shoes. The kit was about to open the door, but I stopped him
"We need to take a photo," I say

We take a few photos, one with just us standing there looking like sherlock and John and with kit kissing my cheek and one with us actually, kissing. We get in the car, and we drive to bash's.

We arrive, and there are flashing lights and loud music, mostly my taste in music and a bit of spooky,
"Riv, do you want your ear defenders?"
"No, I'm fine,"
"Okay, let's go," Kit says, taking my hand, and we walk in

There were Halloween decorations everywhere, bats on the ceiling, there were skeletons outside with pumpkins, fake spider webs. I love it. it's so dark and spooky just how I like it on Halloween.

We find Bash dressed up as a skeleton with a really good skeleton face painting,
"Hey guys,"
"Hi," we both reply
"What do you think?" he asks
"This is wicked." I smile

About an hour later, we all go to a so-called "haunted hotel." I believe in ghosts, but I have never heard of this place, we all walk in by we, I mean, me kit, bash, kizzy, corinna, Joe, and toby. We walk in, we get a tour by one of the tour guides, and we get told facts about this place.

Kizzy and corinna are dressed up as Bella and Edward from Twilight. Joe is a vampire, and Toby is a werewolf and Cormac as Enzo from vampire diaries

We all walk in the most haunted room, the ballroom, it says that people used to dance here in the victorian times, we sit in a circle, and we all hear a bang on the wall
"What the fuck was that" Toby says
"I have no clue" kizzy says
"Ooh I have an idea" I say "I have a flashlight we can do the flashlight method"
"What's that" Joe asks
"Basically you ask the spirit a question and they touch the flashlight for the answer or they leave it"

We all agree on doing it and I put the flash light down and we all move away from it
"If there are any spirits with us please can you touch the flashlight" I ask
We wait for few seconds and it turns on slowly
"What the fuck" Kit whispers "no one touched that"
"Uh if your a child spirit can you turn off the flashlight" kizzy asks

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