Unleashing Traces

Start from the beginning

"Raiden, stop!" Mayu calls out firmly, stepping between him and Riyu. "This isn't you. You're not a monster. Don't let that darkness consume you."

Raiden's eyes flicker with conflict as he looks at Mayu, her words starting to penetrate the fog of rage and power that had clouded his mind. He struggles to regain control, to push away the darkness threatening to overtake him.

Mayu has no other option but knocks him out. Ren approaches them with concern, looking at Raiden and then at Mayu. "Is he going to be okay?" she asks, worried for her friend.

Mayu nods, her expression still serious but with a hint of relief. "He'll be fine," she assures Ren. "He just needed a little help to snap out of it."

Raiden slowly regains consciousness, feeling disoriented and confused. He looks up at Mayu with a mix of gratitude and guilt. "Thank you," he says, his voice shaky. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't stopped me."

Mayu gives him a gentle smile. "That's what friends are for," she says. "We look out for each other."

Ren offers a supportive hand to help Raiden up. "Come on, let's get out of here," she says. "We'll figure this out together."

As they leave the dark building behind, the weight of the encounter still lingers in the air. But the bond between the four friends is stronger than ever. They know that they can rely on each other in times of need and that together, they can face any challenge that comes their way.Chuck apologised for not being able to help them all while Riyu was lost and promised them that he will take care of Team Rocket in Cianwood. Mayu acquires the Secret Potion from the Pharmacy while Ren tended to Riyu's wound.

As Mayu tended to Riyu's wounds, she gently asked, "Are you still scared of Raiden?"

Riyu looked up at Mayu with wide, innocent eyes. "I... I don't know," she admitted. "He looked really scary back there, but I also saw something different in him. It was like... like he was fighting with himself."

Mayu nodded, understanding the turmoil her young friend must be feeling. "Raiden has been through a lot, Riyu," she said softly. "There are things in his past that he's still trying to come to terms with. But deep down, he's a good person, and he cares about all of us."

Riyu looked down at her hands, her expression thoughtful. "I know he cares," she said quietly. "He's always been there for me, and he saved me from those Team Rocket grunts. But... but what if he loses control again? What if he hurts someone?"

Mayu placed a comforting hand on Riyu's shoulder. "We'll help him, Riyu," she said firmly. "We'll be there for him, just like he's been there for us. We'll remind him of the good person he is, and we'll help him find his way back whenever he feels lost."

Riyu looked up at Mayu with a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "You really think we can do that?" she asked.

Mayu smiled warmly. "I do," she said. "Because that's what friends do for each other. We support and care for one another, no matter what challenges we face. And together, we can help Raiden through this."

With renewed determination, Riyu nodded. "Okay," she said. "I'll trust you, Mayu."

As Raiden slowly opened his eyes, he found Mayu sitting next to him, her expression a mix of concern and relief. She smiled softly when she saw him awake.

"Hey there, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" Mayu asked, her voice gentle.

Raiden blinked, trying to gather his thoughts. "What happened?",he asked.

"He doesn't remember...",Mayu thought to herself.

"You had a bit of a... moment," Mayu said cautiously. "You were really angry and upset, and I had to step in to calm you down."

Raiden's brow furrowed as he tried to recall what had happened. "I... I don't remember," he said, a hint of confusion in his voice.

"That's probably for the best," Mayu replied with a reassuring smile. "Just know that you're okay now, and we're all here for you."

He nodded, still feeling a bit disoriented. "Thanks for looking out for me," he said gratefully.

Raiden hesitated for a moment, clearly conflicted about revealing his past. He knew that Mayu deserved to know the truth, but he had always kept it hidden for a reason. Taking a deep breath, he finally spoke.

"Alright, but you have to promise me that you won't judge me," Raiden said, looking into Mayu's eyes with a mix of vulnerability and determination. "The traces from the Mewtwo experiment... They're not physical scars or anything like that. It's more like... a mental connection. I can feel Mewtwo's presence sometimes, as if he's watching me, probing my mind."

Mayu listened intently, her expression showing that she was taking his words seriously. "And your past?" Raiden asked.

"My past is... complicated," Mayu replied, looking away for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "I grew up in a family that was heavily involved with Team Rocket. My father was a high-ranking member, and he had big plans for me. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps and become a powerful member of Team Rocket, just like him."

Raiden's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting such a revelation. "But you chose a different path, didn't you?" he asked softly.

Mayu nodded. "Yes, I did. I couldn't bear the thought of being part of something so cruel and destructive. So, I ran away from home and started a new life on my own. It wasn't easy, and I had to face many challenges, but I knew it was the right thing to do."

Raiden's admiration for Mayu grew even more as he listened to her story. "You're incredibly brave," he said sincerely.

Mayu smiled faintly. "Thank you," she replied. "But enough about me. What about you? How did you end up with those traces from the Mewtwo experiment?"

Raiden took a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking. "When I was younger, my father was involved in some shady dealings with Team Rocket. I didn't fully understand what was going on at the time, but I knew he was up to no good. One day, he brought me to a secret facility where they were conducting experiments on Pokemon, including Mewtwo."

He paused, his expression darkening with the memories. "Something went wrong during one of the experiments, and Mewtwo escaped. In the chaos, I was exposed to some kind of psychic energy from Mewtwo. I think it left a mark on me, a connection of sorts."

Mayu looked at him with empathy, understanding the weight of his words. "It must have been terrifying," she said softly.

"It was," Raiden admitted. "But I've learned to control it over the years. Still, I can't help but wonder why I was chosen for that... connection. It's like there's some deeper meaning behind it, but I can't figure it out."

Mayu reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him comfort. "Maybe one day you'll find the answers you're looking for," she said. "But for now, just know that you have friends who support you no matter what."

Raiden smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks, Mayu," he said. "I'm glad you're one of those friends."

With that, they both felt a deeper connection between them, understanding each other's struggles and the strength they found in facing them together. As they continued on their journey, they knew they could rely on each other for support and understanding, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

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