Chapter 18

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Conciseness returned to him slowly. He didn't remember much, Wait..He remembered it..Some bastards dragged him out of the VIP room..that's it..he didn't remember anything else. He couldn't remember what happened after that but his head hurt too much and he allowed the waiting sleepiness to claim him.

When he woke again, he was shocked to see himself in a very familiar room. A room he had not seen in over a year or two..He was in a room built as a cell, once he was a frequent visitor to this cell but since he fed up with that whore he stopped visiting here. 

He tried to move but he found himself held fast by solid chains around his wrist and ankles. They were the same ones that he had placed on that wh*re repeatedly. He began to struggle in earnest. The tight metal chains drew blood from his flesh as fear set in. How had he gotten here? Who put him here? Did Kinn finally find him?

Sobbing reached his ears and he looked around the dark, cold cell for the source. There lying on the floor were two figures. Both were as naked as the day they were born and hogtied by cruel chains that bit deeply into their flesh. Only if he could see the faces...He struggled more to see the dark figures, not because he had any desire to save them he just wanted to see who was there in this cell to know what was happening here. He doesn't want to save anyone but himself.

Don didn't know how long they were left there. All he did know was that he was unbearably cold and wished he had a bit of clothing or a blanket to cover his shivering naked body. Time passed and he grew hungrier and hungrier by the minute. 

Eventually, he just started demanding that food be brought to him. None ever came. Though every once and a while a tall, giant of a man built like a bull and short blond hair would go and feed the two men who were chained like him dark in the corner. He would demand food from the man but he was only ever ignored.

Don's eyes were now used to dark and he could figure out the chained figures were men but they looked like they were gaged. Don tried to talk to them but they could only make gaged sounds..Only when meal time comes the bull-looking man comes in and removes the gag from the two men and he would feed them fast without caring if they could swallow the food. As soon as finished they would be gaged again.

The freezing coldness bothered him but unable to do anything he had no choice other than to lie down on the freezing cold floor. He doesn't have any idea how long has it been. But he badly wanted to use the washroom to relieve himself. The room was already filled with the piss smell looks like the other two occupants wet themself..Shit those shithead doesn't have any dignity. So he shouted...

"Hey..anybody there..I want to use the washroom.." Don shouted.

As a result of his scream, a bulky man walked inside and stood next to him. Don smirked. He is a Mafia Boss himself and he got any idea why he is here. Maybe Kinn found out What he did to Kinn's beloved husband.

But he was confident, even if found out Kinn Theerapanyakul is unable to do anything to him. They signed a treaty. If Kinn dares to lay a finger on him that means war..Soon his subordinates will come to save him. He just had to endure a bit.

"You ! Remove these chains. You fuc*ers don't have any idea who I am...My Son and Nephew will destroy you..remove this.." He yelled at the man who didn't budge with his screams.

"You said you want to use the washroom! "

"Yes, bastard..remove these chains.."

But instead of removing the chains, the bulky man called out to someone who stayed outside of the room and with the calling another man walked in while limping.

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