-Our new child...Teddy-

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As you both walk out of the arcade a little short blondie is watching from afar with Mikey "so where are they going now "there going to the movies Draken said "I am still mad baji told shin-née not to tell me like what the heck but also I have an idea Mikey says smirking 

Mikey-"okay so I have an idea Mikey says to all of them 

Takemichy -and what is your idea Mikey 

Mikey-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mikey- okay so when they get to the movies you and Hina can also go there to and like catch them in the act and baji with then be on edge the hole day then after there little date that when we all come out and catch them then we will force baji to tell us everything:)

Chifuyu- but won't baji be mad that we followed him around the hole day and plus I don't want him to get mad at me so if he does catch us I am say that I was not apart of all this

Mikey-it's fine he's not going to catch us when the time come after there date that's when we catch them



With you and baji...

You and Baji decided that since the arcade was near the mall that you guys wanted to shop a bit so you first decided that you where going to splurge a bit because why not it's your money and today was going to be a very fun date with baji!

"Oh baji can we go to Victoria secret you ask then bajis face went red "sure whatever you want baji said as you dragged him with you to that store 

Mikey-ohh I went to that store before Emma forced me one time Mikey said getting shivers remembering that terrible experience 

Hina -Ohh take some photos we can use that as black mail like what she picks up and everything 

Mikey -ohh that's smart he says wipping out his phone and getting ready to take some photos 

Takemichy-is that what girls actually were!?

Draken and Hina-Hina yea pretty much-Draken yeah basically 

Takemichy-:O Draken how do you know ??"

Mikey- because ken-chin lives in a brothol and he sees that every day but he never invites anyone because he's well mannered some what...

Takemichy -oooh okay...


HINA-OKKK in all honesty I hope that after all of this that me and her can be friends because she looks like she's really nice 

Mikey-hopefully she's nicer then baji-Kun 


Chifuyu-look there going to go check out now 

With you and ~baji Baee~ 

Okay I think I got all the things I needed let's go check out now you say grabbing bajis hand and dragging him with you "okay let's go pay bajis mind"damn I am glad we are leaving that store is 

uncomfortable to be in.. then the cashier speaks "o'oh it's you guys again I remember you guys are you finally a couple she asks "yes yes we are you sat while holding bajis hand "awe so sweet 

young love she says . "Ok well I wish you both a long happy life together she says sweetly "ohh Thank you miss you say and bow a little "ok well now that I said what I needed to be said your 

amount will be $56.39 "okay you say giving her your Victoria secret card and her swiping it and and bagging it all and you and Baji walking out. To the next store...

Sorry this was short:( I will make the next one longer


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