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It was 9:45AM and a young L/N is still asleep on the day that her and her friend baji keisuke would go on there outing together . Baji pov...
Hmm yn is still asleep he thought in his head as he watched over you hmm what if I do this- he grabbed you nose and held it blocking your air /or as some say pinching you nose "you then let out a big gasp of air and baji let go of your nose now thinking again hmm he then grabbed a tiny piece of his hair and tried to tickle you with it on your nose but you just turned away.O. Bruh actually Iam jus watch her till she wake up he said in his head ...

Y/n pov...
As I was deep in my sleep I began to feel something ticking my nose so I turned away then opened my eye and I

say baji "hi baji you said still half asleep and turned back then did a double take and looked at him in shock "WAIT BAJI WHAT ARE YOU GOING HERE??? "what do you mean Woman today is our outing or some shit did you

forget of something he said giving you sass "No didn't forget I was half asleep when I said that but now I am awake so get out so I can change and we can go you said back to him."ok but don't take long he said back and walked out

to talk with your mom ok let's see what the good ol closest has to say (ok so for this you can pick whatever you want but I will pick like a skirt with a flower design and a crop Top with a cardigan crop top and whatever you like

also this is jus the idea so whatever is fine:) "
hmm ok I will where this then" you say grabbing your clothes and quickly getting dressed and doing your hair to go out with baji you made sure to dress cute because you kinda wanted to impress him but also you wanted to

dress nice. For her self so as she was done she grabbed she wallet and bag and went to baji to leave "hey kei I am done so do wanna like go now? "Hm yea let's go now so while have time later "okay let's go you say and you both

walk out on the way say bye to your mom and see a motorcycle you ask baji if that's his and he says "oh yeah that's mine why are you scared to get on~ he says in a teasing voice you then say "u-um no I just have never got on one

before you say "well y/n it's not scary it's pretty cool he says while getting on a starting it he then looks at you "well
why are you not getting on he says " because I am in a skirt you say "hmm here he says while taking off his jacket

and wrapping it around you waste "there now you can get on "okay thanks you say to baji while getting on the bike baji tells you to hold on to his waste he speeds off./time skip in getting to the place/ after a peaceful but kinda

scary drive baji took you to the mall so you can go shopping first you took him to a clothing store and got a graphic tee that had marilynn Monroe on it . Then you and baji decided that he was going to pick a shirt for you and you where going to pick one for him he ended up getting you a black crop top with a white cat in the corner and you

ended up getting him a long black shirt with the Artic Monkeys on it and when you guys showed the shirts to each

other it went like this "okay ready 1..2..3.. show! You both pulled out the shirts showing them to each other "Ohhh
that's soo cool Y/N you guys gave the shirts to each other and grabbed the "ooh def wearing this you say while

grabbing the shirt from baji you guys then exited the store and you dragged him to a Victoria Secret to buy some
new Bra's and let me tell you this boy face was red the whole time you then bought a red lace bralette ...

Baji pov ...
After we got out of the store y/n toke me to this store called Victoria Secret I have been here before because of my mom but still I don't want to know what my mom is fucking where under neath her clothes and what she's

probably Showing HER hoes like what the fuck but also I saw y/n picking up some... how do I put it veryyyyyy Smoll things ye I could just tell my face was red I then saw y/n pick up a...Something... but I can say that have

never been this terrified in my life so this was a first for me but then I saw y/n again pick up something that is not even worth explaining after that she went to go pay as I just lowered my head trying to hide my blushing face from

the people around me then the cashier spoke "awe are you a couple you are really cute together and you're such a

good boyfriend for coming in ere with her" the I spoke "thanks but where not a couple where just friends I said "

awe what a shame you guys are so cute I ship! You to " the lady said which made y/ns face a pink.   Afterwards we went to a shoe store and I saw some shoes that I liked so I bought them then I asked yn if she was going to buy

something she just said that they didn't have anything that she liked so I just got my stuff and left with yn after we went to a perfume store...

Y/n pov...
After baji got to buy his shoes I Dragged that !Hoe! to a Lush and looked around seeing what I wanted I also was

going to buy something for baji Not because he smells bad but actually quite the opposite he smells really good but I still wanted to buys something for him because I have smelt his colones and there VERY STRONG I lost my

smelt because of it so I am buying one for him and also a lotion because he looks like he doesn't wear lotion so I picked out some I got a lotion that you put on after you shower and one that you wear to bed to relax the muscles

because I can tell that baji works out I.. also saw his abbs one time Oo remembering still makes me blush "woah Y/n get your head out of the gutter i quickly told my self I almost a whisper" . I then grabbed a really pretty perfume

and with that it smelled SOO good "Hey baji smell this it smells soo good "are you sure it's not poisonous he asked "no why would it be poisonous why would they sell something poisonous I said to him making him smell it "Woah

that's strong but it smells good I guess he said "well now that I got you your lotion now I need to find you a perfume as well I said to him "H-hey what No you don't have to buy me anything I am fine I say to her but she jus

shrugged it off I then grabbed a nice musk perfume and tell baji to smell he obviously likes it because of his reaction so I put it in the cart and head to the cashier "hello Mrs is going to be all today the nice cashier lady tells

me "yes that's going to be I say grabbing my card and giving it to the lady but as I was baji grabs it from my hand and give her His card instead "Wwhat baji give me my card I am fine paying I say trying to reach for it but he just

says "no I want to pay you already bought me a shirt and some whatever that is so let me just pay this he say's getting his card back from the lady as she's wraps the stuff up nicely and gives it to baji who takes it and walks out

with 2 bags in hand "you didn't have to do that I was perfectly Fine paying the stuff I say "well I wanted to pay so to bad I he says while Towing raspberries at me "I then smack his head upside down and run off giving all the bags

to him I run to the food court because I was so Mffing Hungry I could set a "car on fire 😏" I then ordered for me and baji and sat down then baji came panting  and some how found me and toke my Food the spoke again...

Baji pov...
In mind "hmm it's already late maybe I can set something up and confess there maybe a picnic at the park I think she would like that ye a picnic the I could take her on a date the next day or that day "ye that sounds good out of

mind..."so y/n do you want to do something tomorrow because I have something very important to ask you so like
dress however you want and like be early and a wake when I come pick you up I told her she says "okay I will is it

like a surprise she ask "I can't tell you you have to wait in till tomorrow I say while cleaning up the mess and

grabbing the bags and leaving the mall with y/n she holds the bags and gets on with my jacket still over her waste and I take her home "so that tomorrow I can Confess to her....


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