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(Please don't be offended by the Spanish I just wrote what I remember from class)
Joe's P.O.V
The past two weeks have been amazing Caspar is slowly getting more comfortable about who he is. We've hung out a couple of times we went out again to a picnic with his family He told them he wanted to bring a friend so his sister did as well. They are some of the sweetest people I have ever met and Caspar just makes that even more better. Plus I am almost finished with the project I just need to write the last two paragraphs on the essay. I hum to myself closing my locker door I met up with Will and we start walking to fourth period.

"So how've you been Will you've been out sick the past four days."

"I feel a lot better I slept most of the time tho."

"My poor poor little Will."

I coo pinching his cheek lightly he swats my hand away laughing as we enter Spanish. Getting seats near the back so we can talk a little better the teacher comes in smiling.

"Hola clase!"

"Hola Señora B."

We reply and she smiles more.

"Excelente today we will be watching a movie on the history of the Español language."

She places the movie in pressing play and the lights go out, I stare at the screen when a paper lands in front of me. I look over at Will who mouths open it I nod opening the paper.

So how are things with your crush ;)

I feel my cheeks heat up and he silently chuckles I flip him off writing back.

It's fine I am almost finished with the project I just need to finish the essay :D.

I pass it back and his eyes scan over it before he replies.

Way to go Sugg I'm proud of you for not letting your love get in the way. XD

I smile to myself as we write back and forth not even paying attention to the movie.

As we walk to lunch Connor comes up to us showing his new shoes.

"I got them as a super early gift from my aunt for Christmas."

"They look so cool now you just need to keep them safe from the world."

Will says and I laugh as Connor sticks his tongue out, getting our lunches we sit at our regular table where Tyler and Troye already are.

"It's my favorite Will and two of my favorite twinks."

"I am not a twink you rodney."

Connor and I say simultaneously causing us to look at each other.

"Well that was strange anyway come sit sit tell us of how fabulous your day has been so far."

"Mine has been okay I guess Will is feeling better which is good now I have someone to hid behind so I don't have to answer questions when I don't pay attention in class."

I reply biting into my apple and he smiles nodding before turning to the others who have started to join us. I look around eating my apple and my eyes met Caspar's. He smiles nodding his head and I smile widely doing the same before we look away. I quickly finish eating before I dump my tray.

"I think I'm gonna head to the library or one of my classes to get some work done. I'll catchup with you all later or something."

"Alright bye Joeeeeee."

"Remember Sugg we got health next period instead of gym."

"I remember Troye I'll see you there."

I smile waving before I walk out with my bag I walk towards the library taking my time. As I walk past the bathroom I feel myself slightly shoved inside. I struggle being  pushed into the last stall and I turn around terrified but relax when I see Caspar grinning.

"You scared the shit out of me Lee what the hell?"

"I'm sorry I just wanted to see you."

He smiles leaning down and kissing my mouth I smile kissing back dropping my bag to the floor and placing my hands on his shoulders. Caspar deepens the kiss pressing me up against the wall I bring him closer to me which seems impossible. I move against him for friction feeling him grow hard and I let out a soft mouth against his mouth bucking my hips up more when he grinds against me.


*Warning Mature Content.*

I gasp leaning my head to the side as he starts sucking and biting the skin leaving a dark bruise on my collar bone.

"P-please Joe."

I nod and he let's out a gasp as we rock our hips together causing the friction to grow. I claw at his shirt my eyes widening my breathing quicken as does his. I let out a whimper as he unbuttons my pants pulling them down to my knees. I nod when he looks at me before he grabs my length in his hand pumping it.

"Oh f-uh oh Caspar faster p-please."

I say bracing my hands against the wall as he moves faster he has me stand in front of the toilet. He lightly brushes his thumb against my tip. Biting my lip I whimper as he uses his other hand cupping my testicals. The familiar burning feeling heats threw my body and I moan into my hand as I buck my hips climaxing. Caspar wraps his arms around me as I tremble after shocks going threw me. Once I calm down I clean off before zipping my pants again. Turning towards him I kiss his mouth as he ruts against my leg and I take his length from his pants pumping him. He shivers slightly bucking into my hand quickly I let him move as he wants slightly flicking my wrist I kiss his mouth as his eyes roll. Covering his loud moan he shoots into the toilet. Wiping himself off he flushes before we wash our hands then grab our bags. Getting a wet paper towel I lightly pad the sweat away from my face an he does the same. I get my spray on deodorant out using some before letting him.

"I can't believe we just did that."

"Me either but it was worth it."

He chuckles as the bell rings and he places a kiss to my mouth quickly before we leave. Promising to text me later we go our separate ways I walk to the health room taking a seat. Troye walks in a few minutes later sitting beside me. We chat quietly an the teacher walks in telling us the rules and things like that for this class.

"Tomorrow we'll start with sexual education."

I feel my face heat up as I think back to the bathroom.

Well I bet non of you were expecting that ;) Anyway I have decided this is going to be a short story there will be about 26 or 28 chapters and an epilogue. I don't want this to drag andddd I already have all the other chapters planned out. After this I'll be starting on Friends at the beginning of July.

Dedicated to: cupofno who has a new story out it's only two chapters but ohhh it's amazing I love it so much. It's called Queen of Spades. Proud of you bby keep up the great work ilysm :*<3

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedWhere stories live. Discover now