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Joe's P.O.V
The next week is amazing I get a lot of the interview questions done plus I spent a lot of time with Caspar. The teacher decided to extend the project till right after Christmas break since a lot of the footie team had other things to do as well. Caspar has even started calling me JoJo more then Joe but only when it's just us. Don't pinch me because I don't want to wake up from this dream.

"Joe guess what!?"

I turn from my locker to see Zoe running towards me she pushes threw the crowd smiling.

"Your tips worked Alfie started talking to me after I gave him back his notebook and we're going on a date Saturday!"

"That's amazing I'm so happy for you."

I smile hugging her she smiles hugging me back before bouncing on her feet as she waits for me to get my bag.

"I can't believe he actually asked me to go out on a date what am I going to wear?"

"I can help if you want?"

"Yes Louise, Tanya and you this will be so much fun I can't wait."

"When are we doing it?"

"Tonight I only have two days to decide what I'm going to wear and do with my hair."

"Can Jim come over too I don't want to be the only guy there."

"Yeah I'll text Tan and tell her to bring him along."

"Thanks so do you know where you're going?"

"No but he said dress casual so we only have that to go on."

"We'll pick something good out."

I smile as we walk out of the school we start the walk home and she talks about how excited she is and calls Louise and Tanya to tell them to come over with Jim tonight. We get to the house and I carry my bag upstairs to do my homework before they all come over.


"Okay so we know it's casual so maybe it's like a dinner."

"You could wear a skirt or simple skater dress with converses."

"Yeah then like throw your hair up in a ponytail or something."

We look threw Zoe's closet trying to find a good outfit

"If you guys do remember tho it gets quite chilly at night."


"Well what if she wore this black skirt she could put tights on underneath if she got cold like she could take a pair."

"That sounds good and I can add this belt with it I really like the color."

"Now for the shirt and shoes are you leaving your hair up or down?"

"I might leave it down I don't want my ears to freeze."


I bite my lip looking threw the shoes and I grab a pair of black heel looking things.

"What about these they match the color of your skirt."

"And you can where this Z one your mum got you for your birthday."

"You're going to look beautiful Zoe he'll definitely ask for a second date."

I nod smiling and she grins hanging the outfit on a hanger before hugging us all.

"Thank you guys for your help."

"You're welcome now can we have a sleep over my parents are out of town and I don't feel like heading home."

"Sure Louise I just have to double check with dad Joe do you want to stay with us too you and Jim both can. We can make a big pile of blankets and sleeping bags downstairs."

"Sounds fun I can start bringing the stuff down."

"Jim and I will go to the store for snacks."

Tanya says we all head off in different directions and I walk to the closet getting blankets and sleeping bags. Zoe asks dad who agrees telling us not to be to loud Zoe comes up the stairs and helps me by grabbing a lot of pillows.

"This will be fun we haven't had one of these in ages."

"I know let the party begin."

We eventually get in a small circle with our drinks and snacks in front of us once Tan and Jim get back.

"Let's play a question game we'll go around in a circle you can ask any person a question and they have to answer it. If they refuse to answer it then they have to put an ice cub down their undergarments and it has to stay there while they sit."

"Sounds good who's starting?"

"Zoe can."

"Alright my question is for Louise if you could pick any gay guy at our school to kiss who would it be and why?"

"I think Connor because he is one of the cutest humans I think I've ever seen."

"He is cute okay you ask a question now."

"Jim do you ever have dreams about Tanya that give you problems when you wake up in the morning?"

"I am not telling you that it's personal."

"Than you have to put ice in your pants."

"I bet you he does."

I chuckle as Jim puts ice down his pants then sits shivering.

"Just be glad you all have a change of clothes here."

Zoe smiles before Jim smirks at me.

"Okay Joe my question is for you have you had any sexual thoughts or dreams about Caspar and if so how detailed were they?"

I glare at Jim putting ice down my pants he laughs as the game goes back and forth all of us ending up with wet undergarments by the time we are finished.
There my dear children is a reason why some of the chapters are so short I am trying to lengthen the book. If I do a lot of long chapters then the story will end quickly so I'm trying to space them out some.

Also I want to do a Q&A you can ask the characters questions as well as me I will try to answer as many as I can. I will post a author's note so you can ask your questions there.

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora