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Joe's P.O.V

I hum to myself as I look over my essay that I'm trying to start writing I sigh not really having much motivation.

"Knock knock."

"Come on in Zo."

I chuckle as she smiles walking in laying next to me she looks at my computer.

"How are things going?"

"Eh could be better I have no motivation yet and I have ten questions done already."

"How much longer do you have?"

"Over fourteen days."

"Why don't you try and hang out with him then you can learn other things about him for more then just an assignment."

"I don't think he would want to hang out after school unless it involved the assignment."

"Just try ask him at school if he would want to hang out that way you both can be more comfortable."

"I guess it's worth a shot the worst he can do is say no."

"There you go and I'm sure he won't just try."

"Okay I will thanks Zo."

"No problem now I need your help."

"Okay with?"

"I've said hi and stuff but I just like don't know how else to talk with him."

"Steal his notebook."


"Not literally I know you have a class together so tell Alfie you need to copy some notes. Take a long time and when class is over tell him you didn't get to finish and tell him you will give it back when you see him next and bam you have a reason to talk with him."

"That's a really good idea how is it we can give each other advice but not ourselves?

"Because we are Suggs and don't trust ourselves when it comes to our own relationship issues."

"We probably get it from dad."

"We get a lot from dad sometimes I wonder how mum deals with us."

"Simple we're amazing."

I chuckle and she laughs before thanking me and heading downstairs I look back at my essay before deciding to follow Zoë's advice.


"Are you seriously going to ask him?

"Yea Will like I told Zoe I don't have much to lose."

"That's true plus he did go out to get food with you on the first day."

"I know so it's worth a try I just hope I don't make myself look stupid."

"You'll do great mate."

Will smiles patting my back I give him a small smile back before grabbing a textbook. Heading to the biology lab Will tells me about the episode of Sherlock Holmes he watched. I listen as we walk and sit in our seats this is one of the other few classes with Caspar that I have.

"Are you going to ask before or after class?"

"After class so there won't be a bunch of people around."

"Smart idea."

I hum turning towards the teacher who starts talking about electrons and things like that. Taking notes I glance up seeing Caspar taking notes with his tongue poking out. I feel a nudge to my arm and I turn seeing Will smirking.

"Oh don't give me that look you lil shit."

I mumble and he chuckles.

"Will, Joe is there something you would like to share with the class?"

"No Mr. Anderson sorry."

"Let's keep quite."

The class snickers and I feel my face heat up when the bell rings I pack my stuff up before slowly making my way to Caspar.

"Uh Caspar can I talk to you really quick?"

"Of course I'll be with you guys in a minute."

His friends walk off and he turns to me.

"I was wondering if you want to maybe hang out Friday?"

"For the essay interview thing?"

"No just like hang out so we're more comfortable talking."

"Sure lemme see your phone."

I give him my phone trying not to scream he types something in before handing it back.

"Text me and we can get something planned."

"Cool talk to you later."


He smiles walking away and Will rushes over.

"Was it just my eyes planning tricks or did Caspar Lee just put his number in your phone?"

We check my contact seeing Caspar.L :p I feel my heart speed up.

"Easy Joe you're really pale."

"I I he."

I stutter before everything goes black.


New update woo and awe poor Joe was so happy and nervous. I hope you like this chapter :*


Dedicated to: xinsomniax I hope you enjoy this chapter babe you guys should check her stories out. :)x

Falling (Short Story) boyxboy ✔️ Needs EditedWhere stories live. Discover now