Chapter 8

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Seokmin's eyes started to flutter open, but got blinded by the bright light that was in the room. "Welcome back Seokmin." A doctor said as he smiled at the eight year old. "How are you feeling?" He asked as he started to do a check up on the boy.

"I feel tired." Seokmin answered as he looked around confused a little bit. "That's normal, you're going to feel tired, but that's fine." The doctor said and finished up with the boy's check up and started writing some stuff down. "You are one healthy boy Seokmin. Are you hungry?" The doctor asked and Seokmin nodded.

"Alright then, I'll bring you some food, but in the meantime someone is here to see you." The doctor said before exiting out of the door. Seokmin just sat there and looked around before hearing a knock on the door and it opening up. "Appa!" Seokmin cheered once he saw the long hair male walk into the room.

"Hey Minnie, how are you?" Jeonghan said as he walked up to Seokmin's bed and gave him a tight hug. "I'm good, just hungry and tired." Seokmin replied as he pull out of the hug. "That's good, Daddy is on his way with some food okay." Seokmin nodded as he gave his Appa another hug.

There was a knock on the door and walked in Seungcheol with a bag of food. "Hey little man." Seungcheol greeted with a smile as he walked over to his son. "Hi Daddy!" Seokmin cheered and gave the parent a big hug. "Here, I brought you your favorite." Seungcheol said as he set the bag down and took out the food.

As the family ate, another knock was at the door and walked in Seokmin's doctor. "He's in good shape, all the tests came back positive so he's good to be discharged." The doctor said and handed Jeonghan some papers. They thanked the doctor and continued to eat their food before giving Seokmin some clothes to change into and left the room.

"Wait? Where's my friend?" Seokmin asked as he started to look around the hospital. Jeonghan gave Seungcheol a confused expression and the other just shrugged his shoulders. "What friend sweetie?" Jeonghan asked as the family continued to walk out the front doors. "My friend, Shua." Seokmin answered as he looked up at his parents.

"You must still be tired. Let's go home." Seungcheol said and helped the boy into the car. "But Daddy, I can't leave Shua." Seokmin whined as he started to kick his feet. "I'm sure Shua is home with his Appa and daddy." Jeonghan said and started the car. "But Shua doesn't have a Appa and Daddy. He only has his animals." Seokmin told his parents who were still confused.

"What we're you dreaming about?" Seungcheol asked himself as they continued the car ride home.

☘︎ Eight years later ☘︎

Seokmin sighed as he stood in front of his High School. "Here goes nothing." He said to himself as he walked through the front doors and down the halls. As he was walking, someone had bumped into him and knocking him to the ground. "I'm so sorry, let me help you up." The person said as he offer his hand.

"Thank you." Seokmin said as he took the others hand and got off the floor. "I'm Choi Seokmin, but you can call me Minnie." Seokmin introduced himself as he looked up at the other and slightly widened his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Seokmin. I'm Hong Jisoo Joshua, but you can call me Shua."


And that concludes this book. I hope that you enjoyed this book!!!! Thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you in my other books!!!

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

Anyways, vote, comment, and follow if you want to. Good morning, night, or afternoon. Love you <3

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