Chapter 7

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Shua yawned before smiling as he saw Seokmin snuggled up in his arms. "It's so sad that in less then a few hours we'll be separating." Shua said to himself before gently placing Seokmin down on the bed and got up.

He entered the kitchen and smiled at his animal friends before making food for both himself and Seokmin. "Good morning Shua." Seokmin greeted as he entered the kitchen and sat at the table. "Morning Minnie." Shua greeted as he placed a bowl in front of the other and sat down.

It was silence as the two ate in silence, "how long do I have until i wake up?" Seokmin asked as he looked up from his bowl of cereal. Shua looked out the window before sighing. "You have four hours until you wake up." Shua answered as he looked at the other who nod his head.

They finished up eating and cleaned up the dishes. "Do you think I can ride Daisy?" Seokmin asked as he pet the deer softly. "It's your dream, you can do whatever you want." Shua answered and Seokmin smiled widely before taking Daisy outside and hopped onto her.

Shua watched with a smile as Daisy took Seokmin in a circle. "In about twenty minutes he'll be waking up." Shua heard Seokmin's doctor say and frowned at the news. "Come on Shua, let's go on the swings." Seokmin said as he grabbed hold of the other's hand and dragged him to the swing set.

"I'm going to miss this place once I wake up." Seokmin said as he watched the birds fly across the sky. "I mean, it's your dream. I'm sure you can just dream of it again." Shua said as he looked at the other. "But I don't know if you'll be here when I do dream of this place again." Seokmin said with a frown which made Shua frown as well.

"I guess you're right. I wish I can be part of your world." Shua said as he kicked the sand under his feet. "Me too, it would be so much fun." Seokmin said before smiling cheekily. He got off the swing and tapped Shua's shoulder, "tag, you're it!" He exclaimed before running away from the other.

Shua giggled as he got off his swing and chase after the other. They spent the next two hours chasing each other and rolling around in the grass before Seokmin started to become tired. "It's happening." Shua said as he watched as the world started to fade away a little bit faster. "What's happening?" Seokmin asked as he felt Shua take him into the house.

"It's going to be okay." Shua said as he laid Seokmin on the bed. "Am I waking up?" Seokmin asked and Shua nodded his head as he sat next to the bed and watched as Seokmin fight the urge to close his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you Shua." Seokmin said as he looked at the other, "I'm going to miss you too Minnie." Shua said with a sad smile. "Thank you for making this fun, I can't wait to do it again." Seokmin said as his eye lids started to close. "Bye Shua." Seokmin said before his eyes closed fully.

"Bye Minnie."


I'm not crying you are!!!!😭😭

But like always

I hope you enjoy this chapter

I hope you are doing well, eating correctly, and drinking water and staying healthy.

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