Who's that?

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•Lil Drama
•Wholesome (ig)

Ein Pov:

Since my parents are dead, well my mother and stepfather died, I'm not sure about my biological father yet. Me and Pierce went to my old house since the police officer had given me the keys. When we got there, I was surprised that they still had all my stuff, so I started packing some things while Pierce looked around the house.

A while later I found a photo from my childhood, a tall blue haired man with a black and gray haired boy and a small version of myself next to him :).

My brother Theo and my biological father. I miss them so much. Sometimes I felt a strange presence around me and now I felt it again, as if something wanted to protect me, I felt somehow comfortable around him. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked behind me and it was Pierce

P: Are you alright Gorgeous?

E: I.... I just miss them both, but I don't remember much about them.

Then all of a sudden something happened in the living room we went there and when we were in the living room there was a book on the floor I picked it up it looked like our old photo album we sat down on the couch and looked through the photos some of the photos were of me and Theo and our father, some were of me and Theo and some just of my father or Theo after a while we got to the last page of the photo album but these photos looked newer than the other photos one photo had already fallen off I took the photo that had already fallen off and it had a phone number on the back of the photo.

-skip time-

Pierce Pov:

We were finally back home and we were starving.

E: Babe?

P: Yes Gorgeous... .?

E: I was thinking about going on a date.

I quickly ran to our bedroom, changed and ran back to him like nothing happened :)

E: *chuckle* Okay, what was that?

P: you want to go then you should go change too.

-Time Skip (again)-

We went to a restaurant, when we got there it wasn't very busy. We sat down and ordered some food and something to drink.

-Time Skip (45 minutes later (sorry again))-.

P: What are we going to do now?

E: We could go to the beach, there shouldn't be that many people.

P: Sure is relaxing :)

We went to the next beach and looked for a place where there was no one, after we found one I lay down in his arms, like always :)

P: But who was the little boy in the photo earlier?

E: Oh . . . He . . . That's Theo he's 2 years older than me.

♡I will Never stop loving you♡ Pierce X EinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora