New Home

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Pierce POV:
I was waiting for Ein to arrive since his parents somehow found him out about us, while I was waiting in the living room my father came

°: What are you doing boy?

P: I'm waiting for Ein he was kicked out by his parents.

°: The poor boy, he can live with us since your mother no longer lives here with us, we have more space

P: Thank you father

Then the bell rang, I went to the door and opened it. A man stood in front of me soaking wet that it had started to rain a while ago, Ein came in, took off his jacket and his shoes, and we went to the kitchen together.

°: Hey nice to see you

E: I'm pleased, too, Mr. Wallender

P: what exactly happened?

E: My parents found out that I'm gay then both started to get loud, insulted each other, i slapped my stepfather so hard that he fell and then his nose started bleeding, I grabbed my things and then I got you called.

D: I had forgotten that his parents are homophobia. After his dad went to the UK it all went down hill for him but as long as Ein is happy with Pierce I'm happy. Ein is almost like my own son.

D: there is no problem that you can stay here. stay as long as you want

E: Thank you sir. Wallender

D: Please call me Dominik

E: Ok thanks again

P: Come on, I'll show you where you can sleep

-Time Skip-

Ein pov:
His room has always been so pretty, two baby blue walls with a white gaming table, some faux plants, a pine wardrobe, an ensuite bathroom in white, black and gold, and a white and blue bed for two.

P: If you want you can sleep in the guest room downstairs next to the living room or we can share my room it's your choice and I respect every choice you make and nothing will change that.

E: if it doesn't bother you, gladly at your place...

P: Don't worry I don't mind darling~ I'll take a quick shower if you need anything Ask my dad while I'm taking a shower ok ?

E: all right

I smiled it felt weird to smile again over 9 years.

Pierce Pov:
His smile surprised me I hardly ever saw him smile then I realized that this boy in front of me he needs me more than anything. I felt tears falling from my eyes that someone needed me not just for help with chores or money but someone who needed me to feel comfortable someone who loved me more than anything.

Ein POV:
I saw Pierce start crying which made me think I was doing something wrong.

E: Darling did I do something wrong? Why are you crying?

P: You didn't do anything wrong don't worry I'm glad that you love me, that you need me.

He came towards me and his warm hands touched my hips, he started kissing me. The kiss soothed him and went deeper with his tongue into my mouth. After a while we broke the kiss.

-Time Skip-

Pierce Pov:
After I finished showering, I and I decided to watch a movie in the living room since my father was at work.

P: so what do you want to watch? Romance? horror ? actions ? Or something else.

E: how about Harry Potter the fifth part?

P: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? Sure, why not.

-Time Skip Again-

Dominik Pov:
I finally got home and closed the door behind me. I was about to go straight to sleep but I noticed lights coming from the living room and saw Pierce and Ein who had probably fallen asleep during the movie. I took a blanket and covered the two of them. After all, it was already 11:58 p.m. in the middle of the night.

-Time Skip-

Pierce Pov:
I woke up and looked at the clock above the TV it was 08:22. I noticed that we were covered up, although I can't remember whether Ein or I covered ourselves up. Ein was still sleeping peacefully, it looked like I was comfortable as a mattress, which didn't bother me with Ein. I kept my eyes on

D: Well, you look like you've become a mattress.

P: It doesn't bother me as long as it's the person I love.

740 words
Hope y'all enjoyed

♡I will Never stop loving you♡ Pierce X EinWhere stories live. Discover now