"I suppose you're right. Alright, pick whichever game and I'll get you whatever prize you want."

Y/N watched as her friend searched for the right game. She could tell he was simply just looking at the prizes for something he wanted. She didn't care, though. Whatever he wanted she was going to win it for him.

Jun led her to a milk bottle game. All she had to do was throw a ball and knock down as many milk bottles as possible. Easy.

"Which prize do you want?" Y/N inquired.

"I won't tell you. It'll be a surprise," he turned to the booth runner. "How many points do I need to get anything from that wall?"

"350 points. Each bottle you knock down is worth 5. The more balls you buy, the higher the chance you have to get what you want."

Jun turned back to his friend. "So, how many are you going to get?"

Y/N thought for a moment. There were four tables and each had 5 bottles. One table would guarantee 25 points, four would get you to 100 points. She would need to knock down the four tables 3 times each and two extra. "14 please."

She handed the worker the tickets required, and the 14 balls were laid out in front of her. This game was much easier than balloon darts. All she had to do was hit the base of the towers with enough force so that all the remaining bottles would fall off.

Y/N followed the same motions as when she threw the darts. One arm in front and one elbow by her ear. She hurled the ball towards the first tower. All five bottles fell, landing on the ground with a collection of clinks.

"Hell yeah! Go, Y/N!" Jun cheered.

One by one each table went down, got set back up, and went down again. And in no time, Y/N had won 350 points.

"You did it—you actually did it! And so quickly?" Jun looked at the girl with a shocked yet smiley expression.

Y/N turned to her friend, a grin plastered across her face. "So, which prize do you want?"

Jun turned to face the worker and pointed to one of the prizes, "I would like that one please."

The worker nodded and picked the prize off the wall. Y/N gave her friend an amused smile.

"A gold necklace with a harp charm on it. Of course you would want that."

Jun returned a smile, taking the packaged prize from the workers hands. "I'm surprised you didn't predict it."

"I didn't care what you wanted, I was going to win it for you no matter what." The two left the booth and started walking back down the boardwalk.

Y/N glanced at the time on her phone, realizing it was nearly 5:00 pm. "We should go back. I need to be getting home in about 45 minutes."

"Yeah, me too. We can go back to our spot and chill before it's time." Y/N hummed in agreement.

As the two made their way back, Y/N couldn't help but feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Today was the most fun she's had in a while. Free time during the school year is limited which means she rarely gets to have these kinds of days with Jun. And after one heck of a school year, this day was very much needed.

She looked over to her best friend in appreciation. He has stuck by her since day one and never strayed away. He always made her feel safe, happy, comfortable.

Y/N gently linked her arms in his, resting her head on his shoulder as they continued to walk.

She felt him look down at her. "Thank you. For today. For everything," she sighed contently.

"Why so sappy all of a sudden?" Though she couldn't see it, Jun was unable to hold back a smile.

Y/N shrugged, "Just felt like you should know how much I care."

She felt Jun laugh slightly against her. He brought his hand up and placed it over hers, giving her a small squeeze in response.

"I care for you as well. More than you know."



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