[ Three ]

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Leia pulls Lovelyn back, pulling on her backpack strap.

"P-please don't."  I pause, taking a breath. "Can we just go to class?" I pressed my finger against the belt loop of her skirt.

"She's not worth getting suspended." Leia says.

We stand there in silence, waiting for Lovelyn to say something. After 22 seconds. Yep, I counted in my head. She finally breaks the silence. "If this happens again, I will hurt her."

Leia and I looked at each other before catching up with Lovelyn as the bell rang.

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The next class was poetry. I have poetry with both Lovelyn and Leia.

Our teacher, Miss. May, claps to gain the attention of the students. "I want you all to write a poem about your favorite hobby. The subject and length of your choice I'd be happy if you all put effort into writing them, okay?"

I look around the classroom before raising my hand. "Will it be for a grade?"

She nods. "Yes. And if some of you want to read it out loud, you can. I won't force you to share with the class what you write. doesn't have to be public; it can be private. your choice."

I nod. I love when teachers give you a choice.

Hobby? I tap my pencil on the desk. My leg bouncing up and down. I love to read. But I also love to sing and play the guitar and piano. I stare at the blank white papers for a few seconds before I'm hit with inspiration and immediately start writing.

Fog on my glasses
From the still steaming tea
A book in my hand as I casually reads.
A catch in my breath
As the climax grows near
I'm deaf to the world:
The book's all I can hear.
I'm completely lost now,
Or perhaps I am found
In this strange paper world
That's far from the ground.

Only after I re-read it did I begin overthinking. Is it too short? Is it too long? Is it enough to get an A? I brought my bottom lip between my teeth, glancing at the clock above the board. 7 more minutes. Should I rewrite it?

I must've been really overthinking because as soon as I was about to add on, Miss May said, "That's time. Please come and give me your work."

Following the movements of students walking toward her desk, I get up on my feet to give her my paper.

"I wrote a sentence." Lovelyn says from behind me. A laugh escapes my lips. Leia pitches in. "I think I wrote enough. I didn't really get into it, but it was about cheer." I nod. Listening to them explain what their poem was about as we leave the room.

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"Hello students," A voice rang over the intercom. "As most of you know, our winter formal is slowly approaching. It will be on the last day before Christmas break, which is Friday, December 22nd, in the school auditorium. We hope to see you all there!"

As the intercom ended. Everyone immediately started talking about what they were going to wear and who they wanted to ask to the formal.

"I'm so ready to start practicing our routine." Lovelyn said, and Leia nodded in agreement.

"Routine?" I raised my brow, my elbow resting on my cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Yes. Our coach announced to us that we are going to perform a fun dance routine for the winter formal."

"I can't wait to see our winter cheer outfits." Leia gushed

"Okay, okay, I gave you all 5 minutes to talk about the winter formal; now it's back to work." Ms.Haven said while clapping her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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