The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 60-65)

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Chapter 60

Inside the Pack House Alpha Peter and Daisy were being treated to a musical ensemble from the children. They listened as each grandchild played their chosen instruments beautifully, they just wished that the children had waited until after 8 o'clock in the morning to share their musical prowess with them. As they stopped to change sheet papers Peter went to get up but was stopped by Link, "Where are you going? We're not finished yet" as he looked at him with sad eyes compelling Peter to sit back down. But he was freed from his torment as they were distracted by the sound of tire screeches outside. Going to the window to investigate they saw their uncle Ash and the Peterson's had returned home. Watching as their dad greeted them, "Mums home!" Link cried as he ran outside followed by the rest of his siblings, Peter letting out a sigh of relief, "thank god" as Daisy smiled shaking her head at him. Peter looked at her not sure what he had done wrong, "what?".

Outside the children meet the rest if their family with open arms, "Mum your back in time for my birthday!" Link hugged his mother tightly. She smiled playing with his hair, "Of course honey. I wouldn't miss it" winking at Link. This reminded her of the gift she had gotten for Hurricane as she reached into her bag retrieving an old spell book, "Speaking of, Hurricane sweetheart sorry its late but happy birthday" as she passed the book to him. The book itself was ancient, dust popping from the seams but Hurricane was grateful nonetheless. Seeing his confusion Serena helped him, "Its a book of 'grey' spells. Spells that don't use dark magic, but are considered dangerous in the wrong hands. This one was even banned by the witch council. I thought it might be something you'd be interested in, as its safe but powerful magic". Hurricane hugged her thanking her for the gift before grabbing Link and excitedly pulling him back inside the pack house. "Elias don't man handle your brother" Elias told him as he turned his attention back to Serena who looked depressed. A similar look falling on all the returnees faces, "You didn't find a way to remove the collars, did you?" Elias guessed, they had failed to find a way to remove his and Links collars. Serena shook her head, "Not exactly, we need to talk".

As Alex, Ash and James brought in their suitcases. Serena took Elias to the side to tell him the news. "We found what we needed to remove the collars but..." she paused making Elias feel nervous not sure where she was going with this, "but?". "There isn't enough for both of you, I'm so sorry". She began to cry, illuminating her blue eyes, Elias seeing this comforted her wrapping his arms around her, "It's not your fault" this calming her down. "We will remove Links collar " he told her. "But what about you? You'll still have your collar" Serena asked not wanting him to be left inflicted with pain every time he used his vampire abilities. "I've lived my life. Link is a child, he has his whole life ahead of him. His needs are and always will be greater than mine". These words reminded Serena on why she loved him, "I've missed you... and your sexy voice" she told him trying to lighten the mood. "Ash can do a decent impression of me" Elias teased. Serena smiled seductively, "But I can't fuck Ash can I? I love you" as she put her hands around his neck kissing him passionately on the lips. As a deep feeling of desire resonated in both their hearts, wanting to be acted upon. But came to a halt feeling someone watching them, Serena pulled away from the kiss shouting, "Caleb I swear to god if that's you I will gouge your eyes out!". With the mood ruined they headed inside hand in hand seeing everyone gathered in the lounge, Daisy passing them both a mug of coffee as James finished telling them the news.

"But what about dad? I don't want to have my collar removed if dad still has his!" Link protested. Elias shook his head "son, this is not a discussion. You are having your collar removed and that's final. You don't need to worry about me". "The last time you said that you almost drowned!" Link reminded him as he folded his arms in a huff taking away any credibility he had, being too adorable. Serena deep sighed as she sat next to Link on the bed, "Link, me and your father are only doing what's best for you. Your father chose to keep his collar so you would be free of yours. Don't you want to be able to use your vampire abilities again without it hurting?". Link looked guiltily at his father, he didn't want the collar to hurt his dad either, but with both parents against him he had no choice, reluctantly agreeing to have his collar removed. Nathan then burst into the room "Mum have you seen my violin anywhere? I can't find it". Serena huffed back at him "I haven't seen it son. We'll look for it later once we've removed your brother's collar". Elias intervened "I keep telling you, you need to take better care of your belongings son" to which Nathan nodded "I know. But I swear I left it in the lounge". The pack of four then headed downstairs where Serena met Alex and James to start making the potion leaving Elias to look after the children until they were done.

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