The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 42-47)

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Chapter 42

"NATHAN! LINK!" Elias shouted as he jolted awake sitting up on a bed. "Dad were here" Nathan's voice responded and Elias turned his head towards the voice finding his four children staring back at him, "You're all safe" he rejoiced seeing them altogether. All of the children got up from their seats with Hurricane being the first to reach him wrapping his arm around his father squeezing him tightly, Elias responded by hugging him back. When Hurricane finally let go Elias asked him "did they hurt you?" to which Hurricane shook his head, with Sarah filling in the blanks "we were dumped outside pack territory, Grandma Daisy and uncle Aries found us". Elias was relieved that no harm had come to them after them passing out at the house he had feared the worst, but seeing them safe in front of him was a blessing. Reuniting with his other mini-me's he gave them all huge hugs with them all embracing the comfort. Link was the last one to receive a hug from his father with him squeezing him tightly his eyes tearing up before punching him in the arm, "That's for lying to me, Uncle Ash said you almost died!". Elias shook his head and smiled, "Your uncle is exaggerating" Link looked back at his father in disbelief "No, we saw him and uncle Aidan drag you from the lake and they hit your chest lots of times" Link recalled as Elias self-consciously felt his chest feeling a small burning sensation from where they must of performed CPR on him. This gave him the chance to look around the room, a familiar dull interior staring back at him with a black suit hanging over the door of a chestnut wardrobe. Then it all began to fall into place they weren't at the pack house, but back at his family home. He began to panic but was stopped by Nathan, "Dad, they know. Uncle Aidan already let it slip". "Way to throw me under the buss, Nate" Aidan appeared at the door a small smile on his face, the children's faces lighting up with glee upon seeing him. He then came into the room squeezing himself between Nathan and Hurricane whilst Link manoeuvred back on the bed sitting next to his father with Elias wrapping his arm across his shoulder. "Well, you did save us, so I'll let you off" Nathan joked causing them all to laugh. "Thank god your awake, I don't know how much more of the awkward silence I could have taken downstairs" Aidan turned to Elias. Elias was confused, "Who's downstairs?". "You know: Nicholas, Cleo, your girlfriend..." he was cut off by the sudden bellowing of Nicholas' voice coming from downstairs "AIDAN! IS HE AWAKE?!". A shiver went down Elias's spine, he was not ready to see the rest of his family, knowing that they would demand an explanation on why he left so abruptly. Aidan turned towards him seeing his face riddled with anxiety and as much as he sympathised with him, Nick had threatened to stab him multiple times if Elias didn't wake up soon. "You know you have to tell them, right? You can't avoid them forever" he prompted his brother who sighed in response knowing he was right. "AIDAN! DID YOU HEAR ME?!" the familiar ear piercing screech echoed throughout the house. "Just tell them what you told me" Aidan told Elias, but he wasn't listening to him. Instead, he was looking down at Link sitting next to him thinking about how his life will change, how all of their lives would change. They had spent years hiding from the world, from his family. Elias didn't know if he was ready to be found.

But he would soon find that was out of his hands as Nick had grown tired of Aidan's silence and made his way upstairs to find out for himself if Elias was awake. Appearing at the door like a phantom in complete silence, looking at the bed he saw Elias sitting up wide awake looking back at him. He could see his brothers face riddled with fear as he shuffled the little boy sat next to him to sit behind him instead. Silence echoed throughout the room with neither brother sure on what to say next. Aidan not being able to bare another round of awkward silences, "To answer your question, yes he's awake" to which both Nick and Elias returned a malicious glare. But this seemed to do the trick as afterwards Nick made his way over to Elias and hugged him accidently squishing Link, "Dad, you're squishing me!" he protested as he freed himself from his father's back. This caused Nick to let go of Elias looking perplexed at the boy, "Dad? he's yours?" only now putting two and two together seeing the resemblance between them. Elias smiled softly, "He's my son, yes". "I'm an uncle?" a huge smile appeared on Nick's face "Were uncles" Aidan interjected with Nick bullying him "shut up Aidan" causing him to fade in between the children like a rejected puppy, "okay then". They then heard more approaching footsteps rushing up the stairs and with them came Cleo, Serena and Florence who all but Florence smiled gleefully upon seeing Elias awake. Upon seeing Florence Nathan became defensive, locking eyes with her and moving from the chair to the bed blocking her view of Link, he wasn't going to let her anywhere near his little brothers. In response Elias messed up his hair and as usual Nathan swatted him away mumbling "dad stop". "We have a nephew!" Nicholas announced to his sisters the same perplexed look on their faces. "Actually, you have three. And one niece" Elias corrected him. "But that's basically impossible. isn't it?" Cleo questioned causing Nathan to glare menacingly over at Florence, "Are you going to tell them, or shall I?". The family looked back at Florence who was silently twiddling her thumbs, trying to avoid the question, Nathan shook his head in disbelief and Serena too was disappointed in the lack of atonement from Florence. "What is he talking about Florence?" the siblings asked still oblivious to what happened six years ago. Florence's silence vexing Serena, she turned towards Florence with a hint of a smirk brazing her face, "My son asked you a question" she prompted just dying to see what pathetic excuse she would come up with but was just met with an irksome silence.

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