The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 36-41)

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Chapter 36

Later that morning they heard the rattle of keys at the front door. Shortly afterwards Serena and James entered the house and as they did, they heard a rumbling coming from upstairs as Nathan and Link dashed down the stairs, Link inevitably getting to them first. "Mum! Uncle James!" he shouted as he collided with his mother, having not perfected his stopping when using his vampire abilities. Serena smiled at him "I'm not a punching bag you know" whilst winking at him and kissing him on the forehead. With Nathan just behind him getting pulled in for a hug saving himself just in time "where's aunt Alex?" noticing her absence. "She's helping your uncle with his deliveries. The witches have been going crazy since the massacre trying to protect themselves" Serena told Nathan with him immediately defending "You know we had nothing to do with that mum". "That's not what I heard" she said jokingly a huge smile on her face. The group then headed to the lounge where Elias and Sarah presented them with freshly made coffee cake, in hopes this would stop them from over reacting when he told them about Aidan. Serena was drawn to the cake on sight, just as Elias had planned "That looks delicious Sarah, thank you" as Sarah platted the cake which Elias followed up with coffee for the adults. Although Serena adored the sweet treats she became suspicious on why they were doing this. But before Elias even had a chance to explain the front door swung open bashing the wall behind it, with Aidan coming in from the other side. "Elias! I think I broke the door lock!" he shouted from the hallway, Serena recognising Aidan's voice turned to Elias absolutely furious. Her cheeks blood red fuelled with rage as she looked at him with a look sharp enough to draw blood. Aidan then emerged in the lounge surprised to see Serena and James also there "What is HE doing here?" Serena spat sending shivers of Deja vu down Aidan's spine. "He turned up last night, we told him everything that happened". "Everything?" Serena questioned and Elias nodded. Serena seemed surprised looking at Aidan "You knew and you didn't tell the rest of your family?". "Me and my brother made a deal, that's actually why I'm here" Aidan answered truthfully, peaking James' interest "deal? What deal?". Serena once again giving Elias a menacing glare to which he assured her "Don't worry, it was nothing serious". But Serena wasn't letting up, "then what was it then?". "Uncle Aidan wanted dad to promise he would go back home soon. And to ask him questions about boring grown up stuff! Oh, and to see us!" Link excitedly proclaimed. "No more sugar for young man" Elias pushed the cake away from the almost six-year-old who looked back at him like he had killed his beloved pet. Sarah face full of perplexity aware that Aidan was not the most selflessness person but decided to let it slide as she knew Elias missed his family. Then they heard small movements coming upstairs which slowly made its way to the staircase, revealing a drowsy Hurricane "did I miss the rest of the story?".

As Serena made Hurricane some breakfast in the kitchen the others remained in the lounge where Aidan made Elias promise by the unbreakable Jacobs vow that he would come back home when it was safe to do so. With this done and Aidan satisfied after witnessing the vow he moved on to the next pressing matter, the high witch council. "The High Witch council think we are responsible for the witch massacre a few weeks ago. Florence tried to tell them that they were already dead when we got there but they wouldn't listen". Link now calmed down a little "But it wasn't you, it was those crazy hybrids" this comment from his nephew through Aidan off guard, "crazy hybrids?". Elias sighed, "the hybrids that attacked us six years ago when the Bloods thought I had stolen their precious prototype collar". Aidan nodded processing this information, "wait what? They killed the witches?". The rest of the room nodded as Link dawned a huge smirk, "but there dead now!" proud of himself. Leaving his uncle speechless, "do you want to see something cool?" Link asked Aidan. With Aidan nodding, Link excitedly darted out of the lounge coming back in with a jar passing it to his uncle. Aidan looked at the jar seeing an eye preserved inside, causing an initial wave of shock to pulse through his body, "It's an eye..." watching as Links excitement faded from his reaction. Serena hearing Aidan's comment looked over at the jar confirming it contained an eye, "Where did you get an eye from?". The children fell deathly silent as they remembered they hadn't gone into much detail about what happened that day. "Link?" Serena firmly pressed her son, where he gulped mumbling under his breath "I stabbed one of the crazy hybrids in the eye". Where in unison his parents shouted, "you what?!" full of shock as the children had neglected to tell Elias this when he had found them. Aidan not wanting to get involved placed the jar on the table and got off the couch, "I should be going" quickly making his escape out the house as the children left behind got an earful from their parents.

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