The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 18-23)

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Chapter 18

Leaving the house, Elias was infuriated by what Jennifer had told him about what Dick Blood did to Olivia. No child should have to go through that atrocity, and Elias wasn't going to let it stand. As a father himself, he felt obliged to put a stop to the paedophilic monster. But killing him would be too easy, he needed something more. "Dad, homes this way" Nathan told his father seeing him stood fixed outside the house staring off in the direction that didn't lead to home. Nathans voice pulling Elias back to reality, he turned to the children "How about we go hunting?". The vampires amongst the children buzzing with excitement, ready to finally experience the thrill of the hunt for themselves. But Nathan wasn't sure of his father's intentions, as he had accidently overheard his father and Jennifer talking about Olivia being molested by her uncle from upstairs. Olivia had also begun to open up about it to them in her room upstairs and sharing in his father's code of honour Nathan wanted to eradicate Dick Blood from existence. "Are we going to kill that arsehole for what he did to Olivia?" Nathan questioned, hoping the answer would be yes. Elias smiled warmly back "you know about that do you?". "Olivia told us and we kinda heard you and her mum talking about it" Sarah confessed with Nathan adding "so are we going to kill him or what?". "No. Were not going to kill him" Elias told them, the children depressingly sighing in unison "but why dad". "Because despite what your mother says you can't kill everyone you have a problem with. Besides, you're overdue a lesson in psychological torture" he replied watching the children's faces light up. Armoured with a maniacal grin Nathan couldn't wait to see Dick Bloods mind snap into two "as long as I get to perform the spell" with Elias nodding in agreement.

It didn't take long for them to find him, with Elias using the inside source of Nathans demon ancestors to instantly locate their target. Finding him walking home from the bar in town, they intercepted him near a dark secluded alleyway, pinning him to the wall. Caught unawares he tried to fight back, but was helpless against Elias's vampire strength. Panic beginning to settle in he threatened "let me go wolf! You have no idea who you're dealing with!". Elias couldn't deny that he was finding it difficult not to kill him right then and there but managing to restrain himself he smiled "I know who you are. I just don't care. What I do care about however, is you taking advantage of young girls and abusing your family name to get away with it". This offended their Blood captive, Elias hearing a significant increase in his heart rate as he spat back "I don't know what you're talking about". His lies making Elias's blood boil as he grabbed his captive's neck smashing his back against the wall, all whilst wearing a demonic smile on his face. He then saw that his captive's attention had been drawn elsewhere, following his gaze Elias realised he was admiring Sarah. This made Elias's blood boil, an unrivalled anger rising within him wanting to protect his little girl. He forcibly grabbed his face, ruthlessly pulling his head back towards him until the pair locked eyes "you do not look at my daughter".

Protective of Sarah, Nathan confidently stepped forward ready to perform the spell so that he could put an end to this predators reign of terror, he couldn't let him hurt anyone else he cared for, "I'm ready, dad". With a firm nod from his father, he went to start but was ridiculed by their captive "what you going to do kid, step on my toes?". Nathan didn't give him the satisfaction of a reply, knowing the fate that awaited him was far worse than his petty insults. Nathans eyes transformed from brown to white as he began to perform the spell, an ancient magic version of compelling, which Dick Blood was instantly transfixed by. With their captive in a state of magically induced hypnosis, Nathan proceeded to curse him "Every time you're sick, perverted mind wants to harm a child, instead of acting on your desires you will take a knife and slit your wrist. Each cut being deeper than the last until you either die or cut off your own hand". Once he had finished with the spell, Nathans eyes faded back to brown, as Dick Blood's unconscious body hit the floor like a sack of bricks. Wearing a proud smile, Nathan turned to his family, seeing their faces riddled with shock leaving him bewildered as to why. Worried by their reaction that he hadn't casted the spell right Nathan asked his father "Did I do it wrong?". Where in reality, Elias was surprised that not only had Nathan casted the spell perfectly but had also managed to master the art of psychological manipulation. He really was his mother's son.

The Angels Cove Chronicles Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora