The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapter 30-35)

Start from the beginning

The three children looked up at the seemingly endless book shelf in front of them, ready to undergo the mammoth task of uncovering the truth about the royal vampire's relationship with Athena and what he would want from their father. The got started straight away skimming through as many books as they could before their eyes began to ache. The searching coming to a halt, Link turned to the others hoping they had had better luck then him "did you find anything?". Hurricane and Thea looked back him defeated shaking their heads with Thea elaborating, "nothing. But I didn't know werewolves turned on a full moon. The pack doesn't". "Dad says it's something to do with the Pits, that it changed the pack somehow" Link tried to recall what his father had told them. The trio nodded guessing that it made sense "Let's keep looking". They separated once more, fuelled with determination to find answers. Link using a step stool to gain access to the row of books directly above him. Scanning the book titles for anything that sounded promising.

'Forms of the werewolf and where to find them'


'How to survive a werewolf attack'

"Don't need that"

'My werewolf mate and me'


'The complete history of the Jacobs royal family'

This last one intrigued him, it sounded familiar, like he had heard it somewhere before, he just didn't know why. Curiosity taking over, he went to take the book off the shelf just as Caleb walked up to the trio telling them it was time to leave "Come on you three, you were meant to be back by 11:30 and its 11:32 now. I'm too young to be exiled from the pack". Athena and Link glared over at Hurricane, it wasn't their fault Hurricane had plans. "Come on" Caleb sternly told them, the trio huffing disappointed that they were not able to find any clues. The answer unknown to the children, being right under their noses. The four of them rushed back to the pack, where Elias was waiting for them. He wore a look of fury upon seeing their return, "Boys, were have you been?". Caleb was frozen in shock, the kids had lied to him "You said you asked your dad if it was okay that I took you to the library". Link and Hurricane looked guiltily at each other before looking at the ground. "Is that so?" Elias questioned disappointment ringing in his voice. But that's when he realised Athena had gone with them, making so progress on their relationship. With this and the fact they snuck off to a library of all places Elias decided to let it slide, for now. "We need to get going, but we will be discussing this when we return home" he told the boys as Nathan and Sarah emerged from the pack house behind them. Almost completely in unison the boys looked up at their father, "okay dad" knowing they were trouble.

With no time to waste the party of five hurriedly made their way to Jennifer's house arriving just before midday. They gathered at the front door, with Elias about to bang on it but before he could the door swung open, revealing a smiling Jennifer. "I thought I saw you coming" letting them in the house. They shuffled to the lounge finding Lobo and Greyson waiting for them. "There he is. You ready to go?" Lobo gently asked Hurricane. Nodding Hurricane turned to Link hugging him tightly before doing the same to Elias.

Elias struggled to contain his emotions. He knew he would only be gone for a few hours at the most, but he couldn't help but feel that a part of him was being ripped away as he waved Hurricane goodbye. Immersed in silence Link too felt lost without his brother there, they had never been more than a room apart before. Seeing his son upset, Elias picked him up giving him such needed assurance. Jennifer then turned to Sarah and Nathan, "Olivia's upstairs waiting for you". With this Sarah rushed upstairs as Nathan stayed behind to collect Link, "come on Link" gently taking his little brother from his father and pulling him upstairs, much to his dismay.

An awkward silence took hold as Jennifer and Elias remained downstairs, hearing the children's laughter blearing through the house. Jennifer smiled warmly at her guest, "Coffee?" with Elias nodding politely. "I know it's not my place to say, but I'm glad you gave Greyson a chance. I hadn't even thought about how similar the two of them looked until Lobo told me about everything" she told him placing a mug of coffee next to him on the table. Sighing, Elias picked up the mug blowing the steam away contemplating about whether he had done the right thing, "I guess". Jennifer could sense his hostility seeing his eyes drawn to the window, making Jennifer come to the conclusion they hadn't been apart before, "Your first time without him?". This catching Elias off guard as he tore his eyes from the window, "Is it that obvious?". Jennifer letting out a warm smile, "Only because I was the same with Olivia. Once when Olivia was younger my husband took her to the park on his own. I felt so lost stuck at home without them. So don't worry, I understand". This gave Elias the assurance he needed as he began to feel more relaxed. "Would you like some carrot and walnut cake? It's my family recipe" not even waiting for his reply before getting up and retrieving the cake from the kitchen. The fruity aroma of the cake fluttering through the air. Dishing out a large slice for each of them, the pair talked about their parenting experiences, with Jennifer painfully reminding Elias that it got 10x worse when the children become teenagers. Something which Elias was dreading as both Sarah and Nathan were twelve, their birthdays taking place shortly after the new year.

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