The Angels Cove Chronicles (Chapters 24-29)

Start from the beginning


Meanwhile across town, the Bloods stormed into their mansion filled with rage "How dare they! That hybrid bastard! How did they find out?!" Alastair screamed his voice causing earthquakes throughout the mansion. Mary tried to calm him down leading him to the lounge, giving the opportunity Greyson needed to sneak into his father's study. He was curious about who they were arguing with the hybrid about, he had the suspicion that it was something to do with the red-haired boy at the gathering. He knew he wouldn't get the answers he craved if he asked his parent's so he secretly made the way to the study. Timing opening the door perfectly with his father's screaming, masking the loud creek as he entered. Tip-toeing inside he began to look for anything that may provide him with some clarity. He started at his father's oak desk rummaging through the numerous papers scattered all over the desk. The papers revealing nothing of interest to him as he read a receipt from Kora's florists but it slipped through his fingers landing on the floor. Reaching under the desk finding the receipt accompanied by another piece of paper. Pulling them out he placed the receipt back on the desk looking at the paper seeing that it was a DNA test against his uncle Dick. The match was positive but only a 12.42% he got out his phone and googled what it meant finding out that whoever this was tested against was either his uncle's grandson, granddaughter or was he was their great uncle. Greyson was left perplexed, not fully understanding what this meant. Then as he thought about it he began to gain more clarity. If it was the boy at the witch gathering that they tested, that would make him around 6 years of age. This meant that the time of conception would have been just before the wolves escaped from the Pits, which was around his 21st birthday party. The party itself was a huge blur but he remembered his Uncle Dick telling him he had gotten him a 'special gift'. Having no memories of the party he could only speculate what his uncle would consider a gift and it sickened him to his stomach. If what he suspected happened then he would of raped the boy's mother that night, meaning that his uncle dick would be the boys great uncle and he was a dad. This sicking realisation meant that he had not heard his father's screaming come to a halt "Son, what have I told you about coming in here?!" he coughed as his voice was scratchy from all the roaring. Greyson wasted no time in showing them the DNA test "that boy you were so interested in at the gathering is my son, isn't he?". His parents falling deathly silent as they looked guiltily down at the floor. Mary took a deep breath locking eyes with her son "Greyson..." but was ruthlessly cut off by Greyson shouting "ISN'T HE!". His parents looking at each other nodding before turning back to their son, "Yes he is". Dizziness began to flood over Greyson, losing all feeling in his body. Managing to calm himself down, he remembered what they were arguing about "You tried to kill your own grandson?". His father taking a firm stance "Son, he's a mistake" "That's not your call to make dad! How long have you been keeping this from me?" Greyson snapped back with his mother telling him "we have known for certain for just over a week". Greyson was frozen in shock trembling from knowing his parent's had been keeping this a secret from him. But before he was able to say anything else Lobo knocked on the door "What's all the screaming about". Turning his attention to his uncle Lobo, Greyson told him "I have a son". Lobo's immediate reaction was one of shock but not one of surprise "So it's true then". "You knew?" Greyson questioned feeling betrayed considering how close he and his uncle Lobo were being merely 10 years apart in age. "I had my suspicions. But I didn't know for certain" Lobo told him, Greyson let him off believing his uncle instead turned back to his parents. "You tried to get my son, your grandson, killed! You would have succeeded if Nick Jacobs hadn't showed up" he shouted causing Lobo to be paralysed with shock "You what?". "I did what I needed to do for our family" "By murdering your own grandson? Just because he's half wolf? I thought you would have gotten over that by now" Lobo snapped at his older brother. "Shut up Lobo!" but Lobo and Greyson weren't done. "No dad! He's right. You stand their pretending to care about our family's reputation when you're the one who is ruining it. Everything bad that's happened to our family these past six years is because of you and you don't even have the balls to admit it!" he ragged barging past his father, asking Lobo for the DNA test before leaving the room. "Where do you think you're going?" Alastair screamed at his son. "You might not want my son, but I do. I'm leaving". Mary pulled on Alastair's arm not waning their son to leave home begging "honey stop him" but Alastair ignored her pleas. Instead filled with rage "Go on leave! You want to play happy families with the wolves be my guest, but mark my words you will never set foot in this house again!". But Greyson wasn't even slightly bothered by his father's threat, he just wanted to see his son. After packing a suitcase full of his processions he dragged it downstairs to the front door, he knew his cousin Jennifer would help him so he didn't have to worry about finding a place to stay. He went to open the door when his father's voice bellowed from behind him "Go through that door and your no longer my son you hear me!" much to his mother's displeasure hearing her crying echoing in the background. Greyson was rattled by his father's threat but it wasn't going to stop him seeing his son he had missed six years of his life, he wasn't going to miss anymore. He opened the door dragging his suitcase through slamming the door behind him, a huge weight lifted off his shoulders as he did.

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