One Belladonna Hears A Noise

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Belladonna's POV
The day had been long and busy! I felt exhausted from tending to my garden, cleaning the house on top of laundry and dealing with the individuals of Hobbiton - particularly Lobelia-Sackville-Baggins and her unpleasant Hobbit husband Bungo - gritting my teeth when those two snide Hobbits made a remark about Lobelia being at the top of the annual competition this year while mocking my daughter, Raven - uncharacteristically bragging of how Raven will be knocked down to the bottom peg in the tournament all because Lobelia spent a good portion of the spring and begging of summer underneath a trained master. I had only offered a friendly smile while advising both husband and wife to be careful with their word - pointing out the fact Raven has been a skilled fighter all of her life.

That night, I had busied myself by tidying up the sitting room and kitchen after Raven and Bilbo went to bed. I had tucked in my little girl after saying goodnight to Bilbo. They both had reached maturity but I treasured my children dearly! They were my life!

Bungo, Bilbo and Raven's father had passed to the halls of Mahal and Yavannah about a year ago now. Times had been rough for I and both of my children - Raven especially, because Raven had never known her birth parents. She only remembered being adopted by Dwarves at the age of six before being adopted by both I and Bungo. But Bungo loved and cherished Raven as if she were his flesh and blood.

I now sported a head of grey hair and a few wrinkles on my face. My hands had become bony and I had thinned out. But I was still a young spunctious Hobbit at heart and my health was still in good shape.

With a book plopped open on my leg and a cup of tea sitting near the chair, I decided reading a couple chapters of a good book sounded nice before bed.

Not much time had passed before my ears picked up a pair of hurried footsteps pattering across the floor. Glancing up from my book, to found my son, Bilbo, running up to me, a terrified look on his face.

"What's wrong darling?" My brown eyes were full of concern.

"Raven." Bilbo cried. "Raven is having a nightmare. Her moans woke me up. At first I thought maybe I was hearing things, but Raven's moans came through the wall again."

Snapping my book shut, I quickly made my way to Raven's room. I and my late husband Bungo adopted Raven when she was ten. We loved and cherished her deeply during the years and my love towards my daughter after her father died; fear her memories will start to come back anytime soon. I was all sorts of worried as I entered the bedroom at the end of the hall. My baby had lost her parents when she was ten!My baby had lost her birth mother when she was six!And lately, my baby had been having nightmares!

Sure enough, I heard whimpering and crying when I entered the bedroom that belonged to my baby girl. I caught sight of tears running down Raven's face as I made my way over to perch on the bed.

Raven woke up - sitting bolt right up in bed, screaming and crying! Her breathing was ragged. I wrapped my arms around her and spoke soothing words. "Sshhh, Darling. I'm here sweet girl."

Raven sees me when she turns her head to look at who is holding her. Her arms automatically wrap around me while sobbing! My heart ached while Raven just wailed because she could do nothing else! Raven had gained wonderful parents, but only at the cost of loosing her previous parents!

"Mother and father are dead! They died after giving me up!" I heard her cry into my shoulder.

"I know Darling. Sshhh, Darling. I'm here sweet girl." I gently soothed Raven. She had never wept so hard in her entire life! The only time she wept so hard was during Bungo's funeral! Now, she wept while I held her. She wept until all of the tears were shed! She wept until she finally grew so tired, I tucked her back in.

Raven let out a heavy, shaky sigh while I ran my slender fingers along her scalp, down through her hair until her body and brain shut down. Watching Raven's eyes finally close.

"You can tell me everything tomorrow, Darling." My voice gently soothed her like a balm to a very bad wound before she fell asleep again.

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