Chapter 3: Farewells and New Beginnings

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Arielle gathered everyone in the living room, her expression serious

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Arielle gathered everyone in the living room, her expression serious. "Cormac and Christen, you have thirty minutes to pack your things and say goodbye. It's time for you to go," she announced.

As Arielle left the room, a sudden flood of emotions filled the air. Cormac and Christen were taken aback, while everyone else rushed to hug them, offering words of comfort and encouragement.

Danny hesitated before approaching the pair. He didn't feel comfortable embracing Cormac but enveloped Christen in a warm, tight hug. "You'll find someone, Christen," he whispered in her ear. "You deserve better."

Tears threatened to spill from Christen's eyes as she hugged Danny back, grateful for his emotional support during this tumultuous time.

Yamen motioned for Christen to accompany him upstairs for a private conversation. She nodded and followed him up the steps, leaving everyone else waiting downstairs.

Minutes seemed like hours as the remaining friends chatted nervously, stealing glances at the staircase every now and then.

And then, almost without warning, it was time for Cormac and Christen to leave.

Everyone gathered by the front door, waving vigorously and yelling their goodbyes as the two departed with their luggage in tow. The house suddenly felt emptier without them.

Later that day, during her farewell interview, Christen reflected on her feelings about leaving. "I'll really miss Danny," she confided to the camera. "He always felt like my big brother –someone I knew had my back no matter what. It's hard to say goodbye."

Kyra stood there, taking a deep breath as Christen and Cormac disappeared from her sight. She knew that she needed to have a conversation with Cashel. With her heart pounding anxiously in her chest, she mustered all the courage and approached him.

"Hey Cashel, can we talk for a moment?" Kyra asked softly.

Cashel looked up, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "Sure Kyra, what's going on?"

"I just wanted to say that... I think we should cool things off a bit. We've been really intense lately, and I think it would be better for both of us if we took a step back," Kyra explained hesitantly.

Cashel frowned, his voice rising in annoyance. "Why are you suddenly saying this now? What's changed?"

"I just- I've seen how Danny feels about Caro, and it got me thinking," Kyra replied.

"Oh? And what does that have to do with us?" Cashel snapped back defensively.

"I guess... I wish you felt the same way about me that Danny feels for Caro!" Kyra yelled in frustration before realizing it was too late to take back her words.

Stung by her comment, Cashel stared at Kyra for a long moment before abruptly turning away. "I need some time to myself," he muttered as he walked off towards Dylan.

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