Chapter 4: Dates

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The sun rose on a new day, casting its warm golden glow over the day bed where Elizabeth lay on Danny's chest, their connection feeling more like a bond between siblings. The air around them was still tense, though, after Zac had revealed to Elizabeth that he hadn't told the new girls about her. Distressed by this revelation, Elizabeth sought solace in the company of her close friend Danny.

The new girls gathered near the pool, chatting amongst themselves. Kelsey couldn't help but talk excitedly about how she felt drawn to Danny, sensing there was something special between them.

Meanwhile, the boys had gathered in the kitchen to make breakfast. Danny was carefully preparing a cup of tea for Caro when Kelsey sauntered up to him, a playful smile on her lips. 

"Hey Danny, could you make me some tea too?" she asked sweetly while gripping his arm flirtatiously. Oblivious to her intentions, Danny agreed and prepared her tea alongside Caro's.

As he handed the warm cups of tea to Caro and Kelsey, George suddenly received a text about an upcoming date. Eric chose Caro as his partner for the event, which infuriated Danny to no end. 

Ray selected Katrina, and George picked Aissata as his date. Not long after these announcements, Marli chose Winston, Kelsey chose Danny – much to Caro's annoyance – and Aissata picked Yamen.

As Yamen and Danny sat down to discuss their upcoming dates with Kelsey and Aissata, they couldn't help but brainstorm ideas for their outfits. Yamen suggested they go for matching outfits, and Danny agreed, suggesting they go for a fun theme.

"I think we should go with roosters," Yamen said with a grin.

Danny chuckled, "That's perfect! I'll go with baby chicks then. It's a perfect match!"

As they continued to plan their outfits, Yamen brought up something that had been on his mind. "Hey, you know, I think I should talk to Caro about her date with Eric. I don't want her to get upset and I definitely don't want you to get upset about it either."

Danny nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I've been thinking about it too. I just want her to be happy, you know?"

Yamen decided to broach the subject with Caro as they sat down with her. "So Caro, how do you feel about going on a date with Eric?" Yamen asked gently.

Caro looked surprised, "I'm actually really surprised he chose me. I didn't think he would, especially after everything with Danny."

Yamen leaned in, "Listen, Danny really likes you. He's head over heels for you. Don't mess it up with him. He's an amazing guy."

Caro looked down, "But he's been chasing Kelsey. If he really likes me, he should only be chasing me."

Yamen quickly responded, "No, Caro, you can't think like that. He's chasing Kelsey because he doesn't know how you feel. You need to tell him that you're interested in him. Don't let this chance slip away."

With Yamen's words resonating with her, Caro made up her mind. "You're right. I'm going to tell Eric straight up during the date that I'm only interested in Danny."

As the conversation came to a close, Yamen felt relieved that he had been able to talk to Caro about this. He hoped that everything would work out well for everyone, especially on their upcoming dates.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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