Chapter 3

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~Ding Dong

My phone's notification rang and I picked it up which was on the kitchen slab earlier. Well, Jungkook's voice is my notification sound.

It was a mail. From hospital. I have applied for a job there. I have studied psychology and wanted to be a psychologist so I applied. Due to lack of experience they gave me a offer to be the assistant of a psychologist and when I will gain experience they will provide me a position.

It was a win and win deal with great income so I accepted it.

They are telling me to join from tomorrow. Great!

~Ding Dong

Now this is my house's doorbell. I opened the door and here is standing Mina, my neighbour. But she is looking frightened.

“Uhm..hi-” I started awkwardly seeing her face.

“Sorry to disturb Nari but PomPom is missing. I can't find him anywhere and it's already drizzling outside. It can rain heavily anytime.” She worriedly explained.

PomPom is her pet dog whom she loves a lot like her own child. Every pet owner do.

Suddenly the heavy rain made her flinch. I could see tears walling up her eyes. She hated rain.

“Hey! Don't worry. I will go and find PomPom.” I rubbed her arms.

“But I can't let you go alone in this heavy rain-”

“No it's okay. I will go and find him. Till then you are sitting in your house.” I quickly locked my house and made Mina sit on the couch of her house.

She looks at me pleadingly and I gave her an assuring smile before running to the elevator.

I got out of the building, “PomPom, are you here? Your mom is really worried for you darlin'” It's the way how Mina talks to him so I thought maybe he would come but this doesn't work.

I ran further and further drenching in the rain. “Is that PomPom?” I narrowed my eyes to recognise the dog that is standing on the middle of the road. “I don't care if it's PomPom.” I ran faster to save the poor dog.

It was looking at left whilst a luxurious black car was coming from the right. I increased my pace and eventually reached the dog and held it in between my arms.

It is PomPom!

I closed my eyes ready to feel the hit of the car but didn't feel any. I sat up and turned to see the car stopped.

The driver of the car got out, “Are you crazy? You jumped in front of our car. What if I accidentally hit you? This car's owner's reputation would be on risk because of you.” He yelled.

“I don't care about whoever's reputation you're talking about but I jumped to save him.” I stood up. “You must have hit him.”

“But-” He stopped when the door of the car again opened revealing a hooded figure who was also wearing a mask.

“I am really sorry for my driver's misbehaviour, miss.” He bows a little.

This voice is awfully familiar to me.

“I-It's okay.” I also bowed a bit. “Please drive more carefully during rains.” I said and left before bowing my head a bit last time.

The man was really very similar and he was also very kind even though he seemed really rich.

The thoughts were running in my head all the way I carried PomPom to his house.

I rang the doorbell and a worried Mina opened the door. Her all worries vanished when she saw me and Pom Pom.

She smiled at us with a huge smile and tears and hugged us.

“Thanks a lot, Nari.”

“Nah! It's ok.” I really suck at these thank you and compliment things.

“Come I will make you hot chocolate.”

“No, no it's alright.”

“It's not. Go change in your house till I make hot chocolate.” I just stared at her and blinked twice. “Just go, na!” I chuckled and went to change at my house.

“DID YOU JUMP IN FRONT OF A CAR TO SAVE POM POM?” I was welcomed with this very 'quiet' question.

“What?” I blinked twice.

She showed me a video about the incident earlier. I awkwardly chuckle and shrugged my shoulders.

She engulfed me in a hug and I could feel her tears on my shoulders.

“Thank you soooo much. I will always be grateful of you.” She wiped her tears and handed me the hot chocolate.

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