Why must everything be so complicated? Why can't we marry and not kiss anyone? We could just eat and sleep instead of touching and making things awkward!

These thoughts prevented me from sleeping all night. The next morning I didn't go to have my breakfast as I don't want to face anyone. I rubbed my neck too many times in frustration that it almost got red.


Why did I have to chose to marry Harshad to escape from this mess? Why can't I find any other reason to run away from here?

Congratulations, Nandini. I can finally rest in lifelong mess I created for myself.

I changed my clothes and gave a little touch of my unique style to my dress. I have only 6 days left for my marriage and it's scaring the hell out of me.

Niyonika sent a maid to my room to inform me about choosing jewellery for my wedding in the living room. Ah! Another step to socialize with people.

I went to the living room taking all the time in the world to reach there and if there is a possibility to avoid the human contact. But nothing like that happened as they waited for me patiently.

"Come dear, chose the jewellery for your wedding day." Niyonika welcomed me with a smile.

Please don't mention that W word.

I sat opposite to her as the jewellery was kept on the table for display. A few seconds later, Alya came and joined us at the table. I faked a smile at Alya.


Anyways, all these jewellery were confusing me with too much glitter. They are mostly diamonds shining brightly in this afternoon light. I didn't know which one to choose until something caught my eye. It was a black stone necklace set with earrings and bangles adorned with the same black stone. Just by the look of it I knew that set would compliment my skintone. I freaking love black!

I excitedly picked the necklace in my hand and kept it on my neck to see myself in the mirror. As expected it was beautiful. As if it was perfectly designed for me. All my hopes crashed down with Niyonika's voice.

"That's for the Mafia Boss wife, dear. Not for you." Niyonika smiled at me and my smile dropped.

I tried to remove the necklace but it got stuck as if it didn't want to leave me. But Alya took the necklace from my neck with an ease as if she owned it and I am a wrong person. I felt my eyes burn when Alya kept the necklace on her neck and checked herself in the mirror.

"This is not my style but still I am going to keep it, as it's mine." She said casually.

My most precious jewellery is just lying next to her without any care just because it's hers. Why can't she give it to me if it's not her style? Why must she hold on to it if she didn't like it in the first place? Can't she just back off and leave it to me?

I mean she is a lady boss, who is beautiful, tall, and can protect herself. She got all these qualities and she could get any jewellery she want then must she chose only one option I have in my life.

I somehow understood my internal thoughts are no longer relating just about the necklace but something more.

"This is for you, Nandini. It's five times expensive than that jewellery set. Come on, try it." Niyonika gave me shining, white diamond set and I couldn't find it impressive.

I tried more rubies, emrald, pearls and many other stones but my heart went only for the black jewellery set. Why am I so much attracted to forbidden things? I must give up and settle with whatever I have in my life.

I sighed. I finally agreed with whatever Niyonika felt like the best for me. She gave me her wedding jewellery set which was the costliest of everything present here.

"Ma." Harshad walked into the living room with a big smile and dropped it as soon as he saw me. He ran away as far as he could obeying Manik's order. "Am I audible to you, Ma?" He questioned standing almost at the corner of the living room.

"I can hear you even if you are silent, Harshad. You are such a darling." She smiled at him.

"I am actually lucky to have a mother like you. Why did God show me all the mercy and made me your son." He said making Niyonika happier than ever. "Okay, I need 70 million for my wedding preparations."

"70 million?" She questioned with a worry. "It's okay, don't get angry, child. Your wedding, your wish. Do whatever you want and be happy."

She said making Harshad happy. "Cabir!" She called out for Cabir who appeared in a second as if he was standing just behind us. "Withdraw whatever money Harshad needs from our treasury for the wedding expenses."

"Our Treasury?" Manik's voice echoed in the room. When did he come here? Was he standing here all this time? "It's mine and only mine."

Niyonika stood up from her seat. "You can not do it, Manik. That's our generational wealth. You can not hold everything for yourself."

"Try me. I am not giving a penny for your useless expenses. This generational wealth will be used only for the Malhotra Empire's wellbeing and nothing else."

Harshad spoke. "But my wedding is an exception right? I mean we can spend for a family member wedding, you can do that much right?"

"Why don't you earn and speak Harshad? If you need a lavish wedding how are you going to manage your under budget life in mainland? Get used to it." Manik faced him.

"That's the reason I wished nothing good to happen in your life. You are a son no mother wants to give birth." Niyonika cursed him.

"Manik, it's impossible to have first dance party, engagement, bachelor's party, wedding, reception, send off party, under such small budget. You have to be liberal this time." Harshad said animatedly with his hands.

"If you can not afford it then why are you dreaming so high, Harshad. Just have a paper wedding, sign on a paper and you will be done. It is exactly in your budget." Manik taunted him.

But his taunts effected me as my eyes burn with tears and throat clogged with emotions. This is another reason why I want to go far away from Manik. He finds reasons to hurt people skillfully.

"Why do you have to hurt me every single time?" I stood up and faced Manik. His eyes turned soft when I spoke to him with my eyes filled with tears. "It's a special day in life which happens only once, then why do you have to destroy it? Even the poorest of poorest person from this territory gets funded for their wedding from your treasury, then why can't we?"

He balled his fists and looked away. "I have nothing to do with it. It's your choice to marry a wrong person, at wrong time with wrong planning. Now, suffer!"

I coughed to clear my emotions in my throat hearing his painful words which told me 'He does not care about me anymore'.


How is the update?

What will Nandini do?

Is Manik's behaviour justified?

She is starting to get second thoughts about her wedding! Do you think she will break her father's promise or give into it sacrificing her happiness?

Do you have any ideas for Manan scenes you wish to read?

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