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"What do you mean you knew?"
Miles stared at Emi, who was staring right back at him with the look of someone finally finding something or someone they had been looking for.

"Do you not remember me? I suspected it was you when I saw you at Brooklyn Visions because of that scar......the small one on your ear. The one you got from saving that girl that night."

Miles raised an eyebrow and stood up to look at Emi closely.

"Listen, Emi, I don't know what you're talking about. I have no affiliation with the Prowler and don't plan on doing so. That... was just a sketch."

"A sketch with labels marking out which materials are needed for the suit?"

Miles stiffened and looked away for a moment before continuing.

"Emi, you have no idea what -"
"I think I have a pretty clear idea, Miles. I was the girl you saved. You told me to keep myself out of trouble. "

Three months earlier

A girl ran from two burly men, tears streaming down her face as she panted.

She wasn't going to be able to hold out for much longer, she knew.


Her hoodie was pulled over her head, and a face mask was placed in order to hide her identity from whatever organization her dad was forcing her to steal from this time. He threatened to do something bad to her if she failed this time.

Vial of serum tightly held in her hand, and trainers running on the dark rooftop, she wondered where the hell her getaway driver was.

She was suddenly knocked to the ground.

One of the men had caught up to her.

He pinned her down as she tried to struggle and covered her mouth with his hand when she tried to scream.

"Got you now, you fuckin' brat. Hand over the serum now and we'll only smack you about a little."

He and his comrade laughed, until a figure landed on top of the guard pinning the girl down.

"What the fu-"
The man was quickly silenced by a swift punch to the jaw, and that tore his attention away from the girl.

"Who the hell are you?!" He barked at the figure, blood dripping from his lip.

The attacker wore a simple but effective suit, a mask similar to the girl's was on his face. He wore goggles, but the type that you couldn't see the owners eyes through. A backpack with weapons attached to it could be seen, and he owned red gloves.

"You might wanna back off now, and if you don't, serías más estúpido de lo que pensaba."

You'd be more stupid than I thought.

The guards simply held up rifles and aimed them at the assailant, and he swiftly grabbed the girl, and threw two small sphere shaped gizmos.

He pulled the girls arm and she was led by him to the edge of the rooftop.

She heard beeping behind them.

"Who are you?"
"Don't ask questions. Just trust me."

He held her tightly to him, and before the gizmos could explode, jumped off the roof with her in his arms.

𝑬𝒍 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓 (PROWLER MILES X OC)Where stories live. Discover now