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Miles Morales burst into Aaron's barely lit apartment, Emi in his arms.

Aaron looked up from the machinery he was working on.

"Miles, where the hell have you been -"

Uncle Aaron stopped talking when he saw the two.

"What happened?"

Miles didn't respond, and Aaron saw a look on his face that he hadn't seen for a while.

A look of fear, the same one he had the night his father died.

Emi was being held in his arms now, bridal style, and he set her down on Aaron's couch.

She glitches again, shouting in pain.

"Oh my god." Aaron looks in horror.

"Tío, por favor, ¿puedes ayudarla?"

Uncle, please, can you help her?

Aaron looked between the two, bewildered. He furrowed his brow.

"I heard about interdimensional travel while I was working for Eufemio, but I didn't think they'd actually done it."

Miles sighed in frustration, on the brink of tears.

"Uncle Aaron, please, I don't care. Can you fix this? She's gonna die, man."

Aaron looks at Miles, face serious.

"Pull it together. I have something. I stole it from the lab, but it's temporary. Can only last a few hours or more, I can't tell."

Miles looked back at Emi as Aaron went to look for what he needed, and he held her hand tightly.

It was just like the night his father died.

She opened her eyes to look at him, and despite the pain, she mustered a smile.

"Hey, Morales. Don't be sad, I'll be fine."

She glitches again, trying her best not to let on how much pain she was feeling this time.

Miles was shaking.

"Please, just hold on a few more minutes, Emiliana, please."

At that moment, Aaron entered the living room again, a band in his hand. It had two small lights blinking on it. Gently moving past Miles, he placed it on Emi's wrist.

She stopped glitching.

Miles sighed in relief.

"See, I told you I'd be fine."
Emi smiled and was hugged by Miles for the third time since they'd met.

He drew back and looked into her eyes.

"Jesus, you're a hugger, aren't you?"
She laughed. Miles looked straight into her eyes.

"I think I love you."

Emi stopped and stared at him in surprise.


Before Miles could reply, Aaron cleared his throat, interrupting the two.

"Look, I'm sure the both of you would love to stick around and chat, but we have bigger problems at hand. You two have just escaped from one of the biggest crime lords in this city, and his friends are sure to come after the both of you as well. The Sinister Six isn't to be messed with."

Emi sucked air in through her teeth, hesitating to tell Uncle Aaron what happened.

Miles did it for her.

"Emi killed Eufemio. Ripped out his throat. One less problem to have, in my opinion." Miles said this, his face completely straight.

Aaron finally noticed the blood still on some parts of Emi's face.

𝑬𝒍 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒓 (PROWLER MILES X OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ