Chapter 1

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Becky's POV

"Finally! Thailand's Best First Lady." Heng enthusiastically said as he held Freen's hand and planted a soft kiss. Hmm interesting, could be him.

"Oh G, don't patronize me." She responded with a slight annoyance in her expression, as she sprayed alcohol on the area that Heng kissed.

"Well, I'm not surprised. Same old Sarocha." Heng said.

"It's Freen." She corrected.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. By the way, before I forget this right here is Rebecca Patricia Armstrong. Saint's you know. Honestly, I don't really know how to call this." Heng introduced.

"Enchantée première dame." I said as I lend my hand for a shake.

At first, she was hesitant to take it. She literally took the time to stare at my face, especially my eyes as if she's piercing into my soul. 

"Hajimemashite. My apologies, I wasn't informed that this event is somewhat an International Convention." She said, finally holding my hand for the shake. No, it's more like a hard grip with the beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen in this lifetime still pierced on mine.

Then suddenly, we heard a glass breaking inside so we came to see in a dash.

"Well, this ain't a party without your bestie getting drunk again to ruin it." Heng teasingly said to Freen.

So, what we found is the Actress/Singer Kitty Chicha Amatayakul, but most of them just call her Kitty. 

"The heck? Tsk. Best friend my *ss." Freen said, by which I never really expected from the Fine First Lady to say.

"Come on Chicha, is that all you got?." Freen added, obviously mocking the drunk Actress.

"FCK OFF SAROCHA! GO TO HELL!." Kitty said, furious. 

"Alright, shows over. Come on girl, let's go back to your room." Rose said while assisting Kitty to one of the suites.  

"Well, some things really never change. Pathetic tsk." Freen said, as if Kitty is a hopeless case.

"Sorry about that." Heng apologetically said to me.

"Uhm excuse me guys." Freen said and walked towards this other girl, Lisa.

Can't believe I just memorized everyone in the guest list overnight.

"Excuse me as well, I just remembered I had to look for something in my room. Anyway, again pleasure to meet you Miss Armstrong. And Saint my man, take care of her okay?." Heng said and rushed into another room.


"S-so uhm--"

"W-well your friends are quite extra, don't you think?." I told Saint.

"They're not my friends."  He suddenly said in a serious manner.

What's up with him?

"I told you, this is a bad idea." He added.

"Come on, it's day 1. We still have 29 days left." 

"Exactly my point Becky. I don't think I will survive here that long."

"Hey, everything will be fine." I said, trying to calm him down.

"You don't know what you're talking about. Nothing in here is fine. Nobody here is sane. You know what, let's just go home." He said.

"How? I mean we're now miles away from the port." 

"I don't know, but there has to be another way--"

"Uhm excuse me Ma'am, Sir. I would just like to inform you that your suite is now ready. Here's your room key." A female staff suddenly intervened.

"O-oh no, I don't think--" Saint panicked.

"Can I have another room?." I asked.

"I'm sorry Ma'am but it's fully-booked. Perhaps you can try to negotiate sharing with other female guests if you're not comfortable sharing with men. 3 of them have booked for a Queen-size bed. Uhm if I'm not mistaken, these are of course our lovely First Lady but I think she's off limits so probably you can only choose between Miss Kitty and Miss Rose." She said.

Kitty? No thanks.

So yeah, I went to ask Rose to share her room and bed. It's quite spacious than I expected. She happened to know me because of my father tsk but I guess that's a good thing, right? I mean I got the room.

I would love it to be Freen but I think the First Lady still needs her boundaries. Besides, I don't want her to suspect anything. 

It would be really obvious that I'm up to something if I insist to sleep with her. I mean not that weird type of sleep, you know what I mean tsk.

I was just unpacking my luggages when,

"Sorry about my friend back there. She's not usually like that, and no she's not that drunk. She just really wants attention." Rose said, referring to Kitty.

"Mind if I ask why Kitty and Freen seem to have a bad blood." I asked.

"Well, they've been competing since high school. From lead role in drama club to class valedictorian. Freen have always been top of everything back then, and now she's the First Lady which made Kitty even more furious. She practically hates her to death. I mean in Freen's defense, it's not her fault she's well-born. It's not her fault that she's great at everything that Kitty isn't, and it's not her fault that Kitty's ex boyfriend died in--a-anyway, I better go help Kitty change for lunch later. Y-you too. Grab a nice dress. B-bye.She said as she rushed to leave the room.

Rose [x]

Kitty [x]

Heng [x]

Saint [x]

Well, I still got 25 more people in my list tsk.



So, there were 2 long tables. There were practically 31 of us (guests only) in this yacht. 

I noticed that Freen is still talking to that Lisa girl. 

Everybody's peacefully eating when,

"I bet some of you will rejoice for next month's GOOD news. Of course, all thanks to our beloved First Lady and thy President. Too bad Saint here won't benefit from it since he finally had a change of heart. Well then, congratulations buddy. You finally found your way back to the light." Kitty said mockingly.

And I can see that Saint here is trying to hold himself back for a potential violent rage. 

But why?

"Seriously Chicha, what the fck?." Freen reacted, irritated.

"Here comes the hero to save the day again tsk. Come on Sarocha, stop pretending that you care about these people. If I know, you only asked your stupid husband to be on their side to win the freakin' election and then what? You assassinate him in his sleep, and the next thing we know you and your royal family rules the entire fckin' nation. Am I right?." Kitty said.

"I don't know what you're talking about."Freen responded as she tried to focus on her food instead.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Kitty pushed. 

"I don't think that's the case." Lisa suddenly spoke.

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