23. Rescue in Motion!

Start from the beginning

        Unlike the dark and somewhat unnerving design of the hallways, the cafeteria was much lighter. The walls were white with red paneling plastered onto the walls. Rows of white tables with black chairs were flipped over the floor. Along with that, three other heroes were laying unconscious. Standing in the middle was a tall and lanky man. He didn't look too muscular.  

        "Be on your guard," she warned. She pulled out her lightweight baton and they sprinted over.

        The tall and lanky man zipped up to Corvade, ready to pack a punch. With a quick swipe, his arm gets pulled back and she jabbed her baton into his stomach. Thanks to his thin build, he moved with such speed that she didn't have time to redirect his attack. Grappling her arms, he pulled her over his head and attempted to smash her into the ground.

        Masterbaiter's line wrapped around his arms. With the attack occurring, that gave Corvade time to wrap her long legs around his throat. When he let go, she flipped herself backward sending the man toward the ground. As expected, he wasn't going down with one blow, and the vigilantes went on guard.

        "You underestimate me. You think I'm going down with a measly hit like that?" he growled, with blood dripping down his forehead. "You're never going to find the girl!"

        He began to clash against them. Corvade packed as many hits as she could while Masterbaiter supported her from the side. She noticed that with each swing, it was getting harder to deflect the force of his palms. Physically, he didn't look strong. It's almost like he was applying some sort of outside pressure to his fists.

        "Corvade, go!" Masterbaiter exclaimed, dodging an attack. "I'll hold him off! Go find the squirt and her brother!"

        She obeyed without hesitation. She began to run away when the villain called out to her.

        "Where did you think she's going?! She's not going anywhere!"

        He followed after her when he tripped on Masterbaiter's line. That gave her the opening she needed and she out of the cafeteria.

        "Present Mic. You said there was an elevator hidden in the wall. Where is it?" she asked through her earpiece.

        "You're spot on, lady!" his shrill voice chirped. "So what you gotta do is take a left!"

         Corvade turned to see a Crimson Eclipse waiting for her. He went to slice her with his long claws when a bullet pummels him into the ground. She speedily ran past him, while Gunhead gave her a reassuring thumbs-up.

        "And then, you gotta go down the stairs!"

        Skidding to a stop, she saw that a group of Crimson Eclipse was gathered at the bottom. Seeing her make her appearance, they turned to her, ready to attack. Corvade sprinted forward and leaped up as a flurry of pebbles, water, and fire charged at her. Using her Quirk, she deflected the attacks and sent them flying back at them. Crimson Eclipse members got hit while others continue to barrage her with blows. She stepped on their heads to get across.

        "We got you covered, Corvade!" she heard Gunhead say from the stairs. "Duck!"

        She lowered her head just as a block of cement flew over. Instead of crashing into the wall, it froze in place. Stepping on another villain's face, Corvade jumped onto the floating cement block and smoothly landed behind the crowd. Peering back, she saw that Gunhead was with several other heroes. The one who assisted her, Rock Lock, gave her a stern frown clearly unpleased that he was forced to work with a vigilante. Corvade didn't bother reacting and sprinted off.

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