Imagine - t. h

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smash pt.2

"it has been years since y/n first joined the band. i'm curious, how was it? did you have a hard time adjusting knowing the fact that you'll be working with four boys and you're the only lady in the band? tell me everything about it." the interviewer leaned closer to you waiting for your response.

you made a sly smile, "you better prepare yourselves 'cause these boys are about to get exposed."

"if there's one thing i will never forget since i joined the band, that is when they all used to have a crush on me. yep, the guys you like so much were down bad for me." you laughed.

all four of them just smiled at your statement not even disagreeing. 

"okay so here's the thing, they have different personalities and they show affection differently." you paused for a moment to laugh. you narrating the past makes you feel giddy.

"let me tell you first about georg," georg covered his face as he laughs, "georg's the type to spoil you. i swear this man doesn't care about spending money for you. georg's girlfriend knows it all." you winked at the camera.

"i remember when he asked me to have dinner with him. i thought it was just a friendly dinner with the band so i said yes. but when i got there, i almost backed out of how fancy the restaurant he chose and it was just the two of us. it was a five-star michelin restaurant." the guys laughed including the interviewer. 

"so he's the type to give you luxurious jewelry and all?" the interviewer asked, "yes, exactly! he even bought me a sapphire necklace that i won't even wanna mention the price." you chuckled, "i kept, and treasured that necklace so i don't wear it anymore." you added.

"is this true, georg?" the interviewer asked him, "guilty." he had his hands up in the air which made all of you laugh.

"and then there's tom." tom smirks, "among the four, he's the most obvious. he would do every little thing just to get my attention it was actually really funny." you grinned.

"he always checks me out in the most noticeable way. he clings to me like a leech, he's obscene and has no sense of shame at all. i remember his verbatim every time i walk into the studio, "smash" he says with a menacing look, and one thing i can never forget is when he told me a pick-up line that goes like "i think you should sell hotdogs because you already know how to make a wiener stand" and i died laughing at that." tom looked rather proud at your statement about him.

"i can't argue with that." he smiles, clearly proud of what he said.

"it's true when he likes someone, he'll do everything to get them. he always tries to look cool but it only makes him look stupid." georg laughs and tom playfully hit him. 

"what about bill? is he less vulgar than tom?" the interviewer asked.

"oh bill, his way of showing affection is way different alright. but bill is straightforward. his love language is taking care of you. he helps me with my make-up, he dresses me up, and always comforts me whenever i feel nervous during tours like he'll go to my side and pats my back during concerts. also, he's the first to confess haha." bill just stared at you with a smile as you speak. there will be lots of edits of him just staring at you with those eyes for sure.

"and of course, my favorite band member." the guys babbled at the same time, "aren't you being biased, y/n?" tom said with a hint of annoyance.

"not at all. gustav's the sweetest and most romantic guy i know, frankly speaking." you smiled.

"he knows all about courtesy. he knows the sidewalk rule, he always opens the door for me, offers me his jacket when it's cold, etcetera. he's the most chivalrous one. a little confession, i used to have a crush on him because of those small things he does." you got shy saying those last words.

"what!?" all three of them gasped loudly and defeatedly.

"i knew it, i won." gustav proudly grinned.

"oh hoo hoo that's a juicy confession. does the guys still do those things to you till now, y/n?" the interviewer once again asked.

"no, now all they do is annoy me. i kinda miss the princess treatment but now, they're a bunch of assholes who won't let me breathe even for five seconds. we see each other as annoying siblings and i prefer it that way." you smiled.

"i can't believe- you liked gustav?" tom can't seem to move on.

"that was way before! i have no romantic feelings towards any of you anymore." you said.

"still, you liked gustav over me? i thought hard about that pick-up line." he still can't let go and you just rolled your eyes at him.


i have no idea if this is good or not but i had fun writing this hahahah. of course, the readers liked gustav because who doesn't?? but personally, i'll choose bill all day every day i am down bad for that man ugh!

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