Imagine - g. s

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under the influence

your phone has been ringing so you answered it. "hello?" you said through the phone.

"heeeEeeeyy y/n, hOw areeeeeEeee yooooUuu?" the person on the other line said and you almost didn't understand what he said.

you looked at the caller's id and it was gustav's but it doesn't sound like him.

"who's this? where is gustav?" you asked.

"oh comE oooOnnn y/n. don't acTttttt like yOuuuu don't know meEEee." his words are interrupted by a hiccup which gives away that he's drunk.

you finally recognized the voice "tom?"

"bIngo!" his voice cracked then he chuckled. 

"where is gustav, tom?" you heard him snicker on the other side before he talked.

"gustaaaaaAav? whO is gUstav?" he again snickered. 

"i swear to God, tom." you whispered. "gustav, my husband, gustav!" you were slightly annoyed therefore you whispered-yell. 

"aaaAaahhHh gustav, my friend! are yOuuu his wiFeee?" you facepalmed yourself from frustration. you really can't count on tom once he's drunk. at least he called to notify you.

"yes, i am his wife. now where are you?" you were getting impatient.

"nooOoo. yoU'ree not hisss wifeee I knoooOoow his wifeeEe. his wifEe and i are goOooood friendSsss. her name issss y/n." if he's right in front of you right now, you would've already punched him in the face.

"tom, listen to me, give the phone to georg and stay put!" now you're annoyed.

"whoooOo's thissss?" he said.

you are mentally beating him to a pulp.

"I'm y/n, gustav's wife." you composed yourself and calmly spoke.

"yes ma'am! geooOooorgggg, y/n is loOooking for youuUu." you heard rustling which means he's finally giving the phone to georg.

"hmm, yes y/n?" georg said in a much more composed way.

"vat is lOs! bAby du schtEsst heiR!" you heard tom singing in the background. (i have no idea what he said i just guessed that LOL)

"for the love of God, where are you guys drinking? is my husband okay?" you asked wasting no time.

"worry not, we are at our usual drinking place and he's okay. we kinda overdid it and now they're out of control." it makes sense that georg is the last man standing and the others had gone wild. he's the most normal one.

"i'll come pick him up. don't make him drink again." you hung up.

you're finally driving home but never planned to take the other guys as well. gustav is knocked out cold in the front seat while the other three are in the backseat. as much as you don't want responsibility, you still can't leave them behind wrecking the whole place. 

you kept your cool while tom and bill won't stop singing smooth operator. you just thought to yourself that those guys are under the influence of alcohol and there's no sense in getting angry at them.

"i'm really sorry about this, y/n." georg apologized while he was being squished in the middle by the twins as they sexy dance.

"he's a smooth operatorrrrr" bill sang.

"smooooth operatorrr."  tom the second voice.

"it's alright, georg. you know i can't leave them like that. i'll leave my revenge to tom's wife." you said and georg chuckled.

you struggled to put gustav to bed. he's really dead to the world.

you started to strip his shirt off to clean him because he reek of alcohol. he held your wrist and stopped you midway which made you flinch.

he lifted his head up with his eyes half closed "stOp i havE a wifE. i lOve hEr so stoP" he mumbled through his sleep. 

after he said that, he went back to sleep. you find it funny and adoring that he still thinks of you even if he can't even lift his eyes open.

he's finally clean and tucked in. you sat on the edge of the bed your back facing him when you felt his arm slithered up under your shirt.

"my wife." he sleeptalked which made you giggle.

and then "squish squish." he had a smug look on his face after what he did that irritated you so you smacked him on the head which made him let go of his grip and he once again passed out.

"pervert." you whispered.

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