Ch.6 To Protect Who Can't See Truth

Start from the beginning

"Okay so. . . Besides having only, a right hand now, crushed ribs, broken leg, and a punctured lung. You should be able to make a full recovery. Alright have a good day." The head doctor said as he left the room.

I watched doc leave and then faced towards my girls. "Ima go get some food." I said and tried to get up, but they held me down.

"Ima go get food! Ima go get food! That's all you have to say after we hear that you almost died! No! 'Selene. . . Dawn. . . I'm so glad to see you. . .' but no! You want food!" Selene scolded while sitting on me.

"You will not get food! You will not leave! You will tell us what happen!" Dawn shouted while hitting me on the head and joining Selene on the bed.

"W-W-We. . . w-We thought you died!" Selene cried on to me while Dawn joined.

I wrapped my arms around them while also rubbing the back of their heads assuring them, I'm fine. "I'm alright. I'm alright. . . but seriously. . . I am hungry and I also need to get back to work."

Now I know what you're thinking. Did this idiot completely forget that he was almost buried alive, missing a hand, many broken bones and the only thing he could want right now is food and work. You guess correctly if you believe I'm going to get his shit handed to me cause that's what happening while I'm breaking the wall and talking to you guys.

"Oi! Oi! Oi! No hitting the disabled!"

"You will not go out and do your work!" Dawn shouted.

"Is work all you care about!" Selene questioned as that questioned kind of ticked me off.

Then again, they are just worried. "No. You both mean the world to me. . . but as you both know; my work is just the ordinary work. My job is to protect human and Pokémon." I remined them. "It's not a kids dream work. You girls should know that by now. As longs as Ly- the person who did this to me is out there. I can't really rest. . ."

"Well maybe this is Arceus telling you to rest!" Selene argued.

"Maybe so. . . but with more humans being born and more wanting to become trainers for whatever reason. There will always be someone like Team Rocket to disturb the peace between human and Pokémon. Or someone that wish to restart the world and create a new one." A voice whom I recognized; it was from Calem. He was standing at the door with an arm sling and a crunch. 

"And who are you?" Selene asked.

"I'm Calem Xeon. Former champion of Kalos." He introduced. 

"Okay 'champion,' is Team Rocket was the one who did this? Is that the reason why you left in such a hurry! Who or what were they after!" Dawn asks with a pissed off voice.

Calem looked at me and nodded. "Yes, they did. . . and we can't tell you who they were after." I spoke.

"And why not!" Both girls shouted.

"For your safety." I replied making them madder.

"I am and still is, the champion of Alola! And she!" Selene pointed at Dawn. "Is one of the best top coordinators in the world! And a strong trainer to the point she could be an Elite Four member or champion if she wanted to!"

"And you're worried for our safety!" Dawn finished.

"It's not that simple. . . it's complicated." I replied starting to get tired of this as I noticed Calem leaving as he knows where this is going.

"That what is it! What do they have that puts us in SOOOOO much danger!" Selene demanded.

"I'm scared!" I snapped. I finally reacted my breaking point as the table beside me broke. I gained a shocked looked from Selene and Dawn as the never thought that they will see me this scared in my life. "I can't tell you. . . the stakes are too high. . ."

"We can protect ourselves!"

"Do you doubt us in our ability to protect ourselves that much!" Selene finished.

I lay on the bed quietly. With Giovanni back and Lysander capturing Z1 the answer is probably obvious. "Yes. . ."

I see a tear run down their face as the turned around and left. Dawn was first then Selene, but before she left, she said one final thing to me. "I thought you were different. . . I guess you're just the same. . ." And left.

"I'm sorry Dawn. Selene. They have the advantage. . . You can come in now Calem." 

"Why didn't you tell them?" He asked entering the room.

"Me being with them is danger itself. If we had a list on who would want me dead. Lysander will cover the entire list. With Lysander being a well-respected professor like me and him knowing that I'm on to him puts the cards in his favor as he was a professor longer than me. And with Giovanni back-"

"They have the advantage."

"Precisely. . . but I trust that they will be fine as long as Clemont is with them, and I guess. . . the stupid brat. . ." I mumbled referencing Ash as he is a stupid brat, but I do sense potential in him. It may not be as great as his father, but. . . "Giovanni will definitely be running both Team Rocket and Flare in the shadows while Lysandere will be out doing whatever in the public eye to advert all attention to his shady side."

"Well how are we going to approach this?"

"Well. . . time for plan AP1. Also, start speaking in 'that' language." I said to him. "If all we need to do is play this game smart. Do not give any hits away."

"Alright. . . also. . . Leon requested your assistance in Galar." Calem said as he pulled out a file. "We believe we discovered a brand-new species of the titans.

I grabbed the file out of Calem's hand as I begun to look through it. "I see. . . Tell him I'll be there in a week's notice. First I need to HANDLE this first." I said holding up my left arm with no hand.

Calem stared at me and gave me a dissatisfied sigh. "Really?"

"Yes. . . anyway. Deoxys, come out please." I asked as the Pokémon came out from my bag.

It quickly hugged me as I hugged it back with my right arm and it kept apologizing for not being able to stop the cave in. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm-!

"Deoxys. It's fine, I'm fine now, but I have an important mission for you."


The battle has just begun, Y/n, Selene, and Dawn got into an argument causing the girls to separate from Y/n. Lysander has already gained the upper hand recruiting the infamous leader of Team Rocket that terrorized the world of Pokémon of generations. 

Also, apologies if the 'split' up argument was baddish, I tried my best. Anyway! May the journey continue. . .















Can someone HAND me a coffee please?

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