Nominal Life

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The alarm rang in his ears, it was 5:30 in the morning. He got out of the bed and slid the curtains to side to see the sunshine hit his eyes. He thought it would be a bright day. 

He entered the restroom, looked at himself in the mirror. He felt he was too cute for a boy. He had small face with somewhat big eyes. He thought maybe it was from his mother's genes. He didn't let the thought ruin his day. He put it aside and started to brush his teeth.

He then got another thought :
"How would i look with long hair ?, will i look manly enough for my mom ? or will i be cute like my sister ?".... he was always swamped with thoughts like these. Always fantasying him being cute and feminine. he put away his thoughts again and rinsed his mouth.

He still had 2 hours for school. So he started studying. His favorite subject was Chemistry, so he thought why not start with Alkyl and Aryl Halides. he was studying it for the next 1 hour. He was at last done with it. He's done with preparing for his upcoming mid-terms. 

Rohit entered bathroom to have a bath. As the warm water cascaded over his body, Rohit allowed himself to relax, his mind drifting back to the thoughts that had occupied his mornings. In the solitude of the shower, he felt a sense of peace, a sanctuary where he could momentarily forget the weight of societal expectations. His fingers gently traced the contours of his face, and he couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to have long hair, to feel it cascading down his back, just like the girls he admired.

As Rohit reached for the shampoo bottle on the bathroom shelf, he noticed it was his sister Teena's favorite brand. He hesitated for a moment, debating whether to use it or find his own, but he couldn't resist the allure of trying something new, even if it was just shampoo.

Carefully pouring a small amount into his hand, he lathered it through his hair. The scent of the shampoo enveloped him, a delicate fragrance that was both refreshing and feminine. As he massaged the shampoo into his scalp, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have long, flowing hair, to feel it caress his shoulders, and to revel in the feminine essence it might bring.

The thoughts rushed through his mind like a whirlwind, mixing with the sensations of the warm water and the enticing aroma of the shampoo. For a fleeting moment, he felt a sense of connection to his sister, as if the simple act of using her shampoo bridged a gap between them.

With the water turned off and the steam dissipating, Rohit stepped out of the bathroom, his hair still slightly damp and smelling of his sister's shampoo. He knew that using the shampoo didn't change who he was or what he felt inside, but in that small act of indulgence, he had briefly embraced the part of him that longed to be feminine.

As Rohit made his way downstairs for breakfast, he found his sister Teena waiting for him with a knowing smile. As they exchanged morning pleasantries, she leaned in closer, whispering conspiratorially, "Did you use my shampoo? I can smell it from your hair."

Caught off guard, Rohit blushed, his heart skipping a beat. Teena had always been perceptive, and he realized that his secret wasn't as well-kept as he had thought. In that moment, he felt a mixture of embarrassment and vulnerability, unsure of how to respond.

"I... uh... yeah," he stammered, his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. "I couldn't find mine, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try yours."

Teena chuckled softly, a warm understanding in her eyes. "It's okay, Rohit. You know you can use it whenever you want. We're siblings, after all. But next time, just let me know, so I can hide it from Mom," she teased, giving him a playful nudge.

Teena couldn't resist teasing Rohit whenever she caught a whiff of her shampoo lingering in his hair. "You must really like my shampoo, huh?" she teased with a playful grin, nudging him lightly as they sat together after dinner.

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