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TW: Needles, blood, stitches. 

Scarlett was on the ship. It was sinking more below water. When she looked around, all she saw were dead bodies. 

Scarlett groaned in pain. She looked down to see her shirt soaked in blood. 

It was at that moment that Scarlett decided that she wouldn't just sit there and die. Her plan had worked. She was sure Spider escaped, so her plan worked. 

Now, she needed to save herself. She wanted to see Pandora, to see her sister. But most of all, she wanted to see Spider. To see him smile, not that devastated look her gave her before he left. 

She groaned again, then pushed herself up. She limped to the inside of the ship, remembering that there is a first-aid kit there.

When she reached the inside of the ship, she saw that it was halfway submerged in water. Luckily, the first-aid kit was floating towards her. 

She grabbed it, and made her way outside, and reached a dry spot near the door. She opened the first-aid kit to find a needle, some bandages, a bottle to drink to relieve pain, and some pills.  

She took the needle, and lifted her shirt. She looked at the wound on her stomach in surprise. It looked so small, but was so deep into her body. 

She winced in pain as she added a few stitches to the wound. When she was done, she put a band-aid on it. Still in a bit of pain, she drank a bit of the bottle's liquid, and put the bottle in her bag, for later. 

She stood up carefully, trying not to rip the stitches, and looked around. There was still a few people walking around, but she only saw them as the enemy. They hurt Na'vi. They hurt Spider. 

She brought out her gun, and shot it at those people. She wasn't just shooting people heartlessly. They, also, seem to see her as their enemy. She protected Na'vi. She went against Quaritch's orders. 

After shooting a person one time, her small, useless gun ran out of bullets. She remembered the better gun she stole. Tossing the gun over her shoulder, she grabbed the gun from her bag, just in time to shoot someone aiming their gun at her. 

Suddenly, she heard a huge explosion, and the whole ship wobbling. Scarlett looked up to see if she could see anything, but only saw that night had fallen. She was near a area of water that was deeper than other pools of water on the ship. This is a way out! she realized. 

She inched closer, but saw two Na'vi girls handcuffed to the railing. She went forward. The older one saw her first, and hissed. "<I'm here to help.>" Scarlett explained in Na'vi. 

She went to the younger one, put her gun away, and grabbed a knife that was lying nearby. She was about to free the younger one when she saw someone coming. Scarlett, out of fear, ran back to the shadows nearby. 

The person came by, and she saw that it was Quaritch. She stepped back a bit more, and stepped on something. It turned out to see two sheets of papers. Files on someone to be exact. 

She picked it up, and saw herself on the first paper. It showed a picture of her in the upper corner of the paper, and listed her name, age, birthday, and when and why she was picked to be on Quaritch's team. She didn't read it since it was so damp. 

She moved onto the next file, and her jaw dropped. It was of her sister. But, that wasn't the shocking part. The shocking part was that it listed the year she died. It was, apparently, a year after Scarlett left her to join Quaritch. 

Scarlett dropped the papers. She was surprised, then angry. Quaritch threatened her with nothing. He made her believe that he was doing Scarlett a favor. Why? 

To keep me. Because he knew that I would quit if I knew my sister had died. 

Scarlett was, then, full of sadness. I never even said goodbye. 

She looked at Quaritch, and realized that he was gone, along with the older Na'vi. Scarlett looked around, gripped the knife, and walked forward. 

The younger girl looked at her with surprise as she cutted her lose. "<Thank you>" she said. 

It was just then that an adult Na'vi came up to her, and saw Scarlett. "<Don't be scared dad.>" the girl said. "<She helped me.>" 

Scarlett just realized that the adult Na'vi was Jake Sully, the man she had been hunting for a long time. Well, helped Quaritch hunt him. 

"Thank you for freeing Tuk." Jake said, in English. 

They heard footsteps from behind them. Jake whirled around to see Quaritch, holding a knife to  the older Na'vi's neck. "Kiri!" Tuk cried out. 

"You traitor." Quaritch growled at Scarlett. 

"You liar!" Scarlett shot back. "You made me believe that you were paying me back, when, in reality, you were using me for labor!" 

"I had to." Quaritch said, then moving on to Jake. "Drop your weapons if you want to free your kid." 

Jake dropped his weapons in anger. "Kick 'em." Quaritch said. Jake did just that. 

Quaritch threw a pair of handcuffs to him. "Cuff yourself." he said. 

"You son of a bitch." Jake said, snapping the handcuff around one of his wrists. Suddenly, a pair of small footsteps came towards them. "Let her go." a voice said. 

Scarlett looked to see Spider. Her heart soared. Not now. she told herself. Wait for a better time. 

"Stop right there!" Quaritch yelled. Spider stopped, but still begged for Quaritch to let Kiri go. Quaritch refused. 

Just then, Scarlett saw an adult, female Na'vi sneak up towards Spider, with a knife. Before she could cry out, the woman had the knife around Spider's chest. 

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