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Scarlett was walking through Pandora with Quaritch and his team. She was holding a small gun and carrying a bag. She was, also, wearing a mask, one that covered everything but her eyes. Just a small working prototype for her. 

They were going to the place where Quaritch, in his human form, fought with Jack Sully, his enemy. 

Although Quaritch convinced everyone that Jake Sully was all of their enemy, she felt that he was only Quaritch's enemy. Scarlett is rebellious like this. 

She respects Quaritch and all, but she can't shake the feeling that what he does was unnecessary most of the time. 


She sprints to where the others have arrived at the place. Due to their big avatar bodies, Scarlett often has to run to catch up whenever they go, like, two steps ahead. 

Quaritch was holding his former self's skull. One of the other men showed the video of Quaritch's last moments. 

Jack was attacking him, when a Na'vi woman shot an arrow at Quaritch, killing him. 

"Pretty brutal." Scarlett said when the video ended. 

"Damn right Scar." the man said. 

Everyone likes to call her Scar, since she was good at giving people permanent scars whenever they mess with her. Best not to get into it. 

Scarlett looked around. Nothing else other than the body and abandoned lab, both in which Pandora was growing on. 

She turned her attention to Quaritch, who just crushed his human self's skull. "Gross." Scarlett said, approaching him. "Why did you do that? You could have, like, cloned it." 

"Not how cloning works, Scar." Quaritch said, walking past her. 

She knew that's not how cloning works. She was just trying to lighten up the mood!

Quaritch always treats her like a kid, a burden. Even when everyone else accepted her as one of them. No idea why. 

Scarlett sighed. 

Suddenly, in the distance, they heard leaves rustling, and, if everyone was silent, voices. 

Quaritch lifted up his gun, signaling everyone to follow a path to cut off whoever from leaving. 

Scarlett followed the others in complete silence. 

They reached a couple of bushes, in which they hid behind. For sometime, there was silence. Then, the voices spoke. 

"Come on." one voice exclaimed. 

That was enough for one of the men to pounce, causing the others to follow him. Scarlett stayed behind for a moment, just it case. 

She heard a scream, a few minutes of someone speaking Na'vi, and someone screaming "DON'T TOUCH HER!" 

Scarlett got up from her hiding spot to find four men holding three avatars, from Pandora, and a...teenage boy? 

The avatars are dressed like how they usually are, and the boy looked like he was copying them. 


He was covered with blue stripes, tied his long blond hair into separate parts, and was practically naked. The only clothing he wore protected everyone from seeing his ass. 

Quaritch walked to her, and said "Avatars are Jake Sully's kids." 

Scarlett nodded to the boy. "The other one." 

A pause. 

"Mine." Quaritch said. 


"Couldn't go to Earth." he said. "We're holding them hostage so that their parents could come." 

Scarlett looked at them. They all looked very hostile, but also weak. Still, Scarlett had a feeling that things won't end well. 

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