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Spider looked at Scarlett with shock. She just killed herself for him. Well, tried to at least. She wounded herself. 

Blood soaked her shirt, and dripped down her body, all the way to her legs. She dropped the knife, and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. "Scarlett!" Spider yelled. 

He can't lose her. He just can't. 

Scarlett looked up to him, and whispered a word. "Go." 

Lo'ak pulled him away, saying "Come on bro." Spider shook his head, but let himself be draggde away, watching blood soak Scarlett. 

Lyle, the guy who held the knife, was approaching them, but Neteyam, who freed Lo'ak, took the gun from him and shot Lyle. In the stomach. 

They ran to take cover as another person started to shoot them from afar. They were near the pool of water, which was a direct path to the ocean. This used to be where the boats would take off. 

Lo'ak shot at him, but kept missing. Neteyam grabbed the gun, and yelled "Go!" Spider and Lo'ak dived into the water. 

A few minutes later, Neteyam joined them. "That was great, cuz!" Lo'ak yelled. 

"For real bro!" Spider yelled back. 

"How are you?" he asked Neteyam. 

"Skxawng." Neteyam muttered. "I got shot." 


Spider could see Neteyam's chest bleeding, its blood staining the water. Why is everyone getting cut near the stomach? 

A girl that he didn't know about rode on an ilu close to them. "Come on!" she urged. 

Lo'ak loaded Neteyam on the ilu, then he and Spider climbed on, barley fitting. 

The ilu took off, headed for one of the rocks. Spider looked back to see the sinking ship. He hoped that Scarlett was alright. 

Even though he knew she could have died, he still hoped for some miracle to save her. He hoped, he hoped, he hoped. 

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