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Spider was outside, on the ship, looking around for Scarlett. She was just behind him. 


She was following Quaritch out of the ship. He waved to her. She just looked at him, and turned around. 

Spider froze. What was that? 

Spider wanted to talk to her, maybe on the ikrans, but he was riding with Quaritch, and she was at the very back of the group. 

What's happening? 

If he remembered correctly, he was making progress with her. They were just talking a few seconds ago. 

They all flew for some time, then spotted a boat in the middle of the ocean. "Going down!" Quaritch yelled. 

They all landed on the boat. Everyone turned around to see them. A man came up to Quaritch as he got off his ikran. 

Spider stood on the railing to see what would happen. "Are you the asshole that's commandeering my ship?" he asked. 

"That would be me." Quaritch answered with a smile on his face. 


The man's name turned out to be Mick Scoresby. He is the main controller of the boat. He helped them find an island full of people, so that's were they were headed. 

The minute they landed on the ship, Quaritch and his men rounded up everyone, pinning them to the ground. Scarlett, on the other hand, stayed by the ikrans. 

Spider tried to talk to her, but Quaritch called him to translate. "Where is Jack Sully?" he asked the head chief, holding a tablet with the picture of Jake. 

"<He's not here!>" the chief said. 

"They don't know where he is." Spider yelled at Quaritch, a bit nervous with what he's going to do. 

"I ain't buying that." Quaritch growled. After a few minutes of yelling and translation, Quaritch beckoned someone to come forward. 

He pointed to an ilu that just surfaced the water. "Shoot that animal." he said. 

The man shot it. The ilu sunk back into the water, its blood staining the water. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Spider roared. 

Quaritch ignored him. "See what these do?" he asked the chief, holding a gun in front of his face. The whole village cried to the loss of the ilu. 

"Scarlett, help!" Spider called to her, desperate. 

Scarlett gave him a worried look. When another ilu surfaced, and when the man pointed his gun to it, Scarlett walked over, holding out her smaller gun, and blocking the ilu. 

"Out of the way, Scar!" Quaritch yelled. Scarlett didn't move a muscle. "SCARLETT!" he roared. 

"No." Scarlett said in a deep voice. The ilu, just then, went back under the water, as if it was sensing the danger. 

"Scarlett." Quaritch said in a deep voice. Spider felt worried with what he was going to do to her. 

The man was still holding up his gun. Are they going to shoot her? 

Instead, Quaritch pushed down the chief's wife, and made the man hold a gun to her head. "STOP!" Spider yelled. 

"They either tell us where Jack is, or they lose her." Quaritch said. 

"NO!" Spider yelled. "I'm not going to be a part of this!" 

"Are we really going to waste her?" the man asked Quaritch in a low voice. 

"Stop." Spider said. "This is wrong." 

Quaritch looked at him, then yelled "Light the hooches! Burn them up!" 

Spider sighed in relief as the gun was moved away from her head. But that relief didn't last long as fire appeared throughout the village. 

The villagers screamed in fear. "<Be calm.>" Spider told them, trying to calm them down. 

"<Stop this madness!>" the chief's wife pleaded him. 

"I'm sorry." Spider said. "I'm sorry." 

Quaritch came up from behind him. "Let's go." he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Spider yelled, swatting his hand away. 

Spider looked at Scarlett, hoping that she could help. Scarlett looked back at him, then shook her head. 

She risked too much already. Spider realized. Talking to me, and talking back to Quaritch. Of course she can't do more. 

What's going to happen next? 

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