𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬

Start from the beginning

As the realization sank in, doubts and insecurities started to creep into my mind.

 "Andrea is Samuel's neighbor, they're in the same class, and now his sister is friends with her too. It seems like Samuel already has someone special in his life. Why would he feel the same way about me?"

Lizzie shook her head, refusing to let me succumb to negative thoughts. "No, Amulet, don't jump to conclusions. Maybe you're overthinking things. Let everything unfold naturally, and we'll wait for the right time to reveal your feelings. Who knows what might happen?"

Appreciating Lizzie's support, I made a request. "Thank you for helping me, Lizzie, but please keep this between us for now. I want to tell Indila and Kate myself when the time is right."

"Of course," she agreed,

After my conversation with Lizzie about Samuel, my mind couldn't help but wander and contemplate the possible outcomes. I realized that I am the one who has to manage my thoughts and shape them for the consequences. It was a strange feeling, falling in love with someone I had just met, and I couldn't even be sure if he felt the same way.

In that moment, I came to understand that love or a strong attraction can feel like a void-filler in life. I've never experienced someone loving me the way I yearned for, and this made me question if Samuel could be the one to fill that void. But amidst all these swirling thoughts, I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this it? Is he the person who can complete me?".

As I closed my eyes that night, I couldn't help but feel hopeful about the possibilities that lay ahead. Despite the uncertainty, I knew that taking this chance on love was worth it. Whatever the future held, I was ready to embrace the journey, knowing that it could lead me to the happiness and love I had always longed for.. The day passed, and I found myself lost in a sea of emotions and uncertainties. I knew that this situation required me to be the one in control, guiding my own feelings and actions. Though I still had doubts, I decided to embrace this unexpected emotion and see where it might lead. then the next day

"Okay, students, since Miss Emily is absent today, I will be taking this class. However, since we have a large number of students, girls, please go to the classroom next to us," Miss Parkley announced, and all the girls moved to the adjacent classroom.

As I waited in my seat, Miss Parkley approached me. "Amulet, please stay here. I have written the task on the board that you all need to do. I am quite busy, so I can't write it again for the girls. Just copy it down and then inform your classmates."

I felt a bit confused about where to sit since all the chairs were occupied by boys. Sensing my confusion, Miss Parkley made a decision. "Kai, please stand up and move to the back. Amulet, you can sit here."

To my surprise, I found myself seated next to Ethan, and next to him was Samuel. Initially, I didn't pay much attention until a conversation between Samuel and Ethan caught my ears.

"Hey, Ethan, can you please move your head? You're blocking my view," Samuel demanded.

Confused, Ethan replied, "Blocking your view? But the board is in front of us, not next to me."

Samuel retorted, "Don't you know there are more important things to see besides the board? And my important thing is sitting right next to you, Ethan."

Ethan smirked and turned his head toward me, then back to Samuel. "Oh, I see. Sorry, brother. I shouldn't be playing the gooseberry. Too bad I'm stuck in the middle."

As Ethan moved his head, Samuel's gaze fell directly on me. He kept his eyes locked on mine while I focused on writing and copying the task from the board. When I finished, I couldn't contain my excitement and immediately went to share the experience with Lizzie.

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