🖤Lipstick clams things🖤(Fike)

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This is kinda inspired by 'lipstick' from @blazzeddarkness

(Firkle's POV)

I walk thought the halls of this conformist high school. This stupid fucking school full of Britney, and Bieber wanna be's.

I usually would really like just to go all emo, and slit my wrist right then and there, or set the school on fire, but today was different. Today I was excited to come to school.

Don't ask me why in the fuck, I would be excited come to this conformist hell hole, cause I am not telling you!

*pouts for a good minute*

Ok! Fine! I have a big fucking crush (obsession) on Ike Broflovski! And I am going to tell him today!

I have had a crush on him for 3 years now. I found out I liked him at the beginning of Freshman year.


I was shyly waking through the hallways of the school. It's my first year without my other goth friends. Micheal, Pete, and Henrietta left for college so I was all alone.

I was walking through the hallway, still occupied with my own thoughts. Until I run right into someone. Making me fall right to the ground.

"Shit! I am so sorry!" He yelled, putting out his hand indicating me to grab it. I just glared at him.

"Get your mother fucking, conformist hand away from me." I said in a cold tone. But he didn't remove his hand from where it was.

"Please. Just take it." He said in a more serious tone. He started reaching his hand out down to mine, to grab it cause I wouldn't give it to him.

"I will rip you to fucking shreds if you fucking touch me." I said still in my gothic manner. I seemed so calm, and goth on the outside but on the inside I was freaking the fuck out! I mean look at him!! His bright blue eyes, his fluffy raven hair, his jawline, everything about him was perfect! I couldn't help but feel my face heat up at the thought of him. But right after cringe at my conformist thought's.

I was pulled out of my thought once again, by feeling him grab my hand and pull me to my feet.

I felt heavy blush cover my face. I also felt some sweat start to form on my forehead. My organs started to feel like they were about shut down at the sudden touch.

"My names Ike by the way! Ike Broflovski!" He said waving, and smiling at me.

"Frikle." I simply said before turning around, and pretty much running to the boy bathroom.

I enter the bathroom, rush to one of the stalls, and lock myself in.

I felt my face heat up even more then what was possible.

Why am I acting like this over some conformist jock?

I hate people like him

I hate everyone


I hate him the most.

Yup I hate him.

-End of flashback-

I finally made it to his locker which felt like it took a eternity to get too. But once I go there I taped a piece of paper to his locker and ran, cause I could hear his happy voice.

God I hate him...

(Ike's POV)

I was talking with Ruby, and Karen about Kyle coming home from Kansas, so he could spend the weekend with me.

"I am so excited to him!" I squealed.

"Damn Ike, you sound like a fucking girl" Ruby said monotone (Just like her fucking Brother.) Not looking up from her phone once.

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