🪟Your window🪟 (Creek)

917 6 2

Type- Fluff

(They are 16. No TW just wanted to let you guys know)

~(Craig's POV)~

It was 3:15 am on a Thursday night. I laid in my bed bored out of my fucking mind.

I got grounded again for flipping off Mr. Mackey, principal Victoria, and Mr. Garrison. And for beating up Cartman. So my parents took my phone, and my laptop.

Stripe was laying on my stomach fast asleep. I got up and put him in his cage. I was getting ready to go to sleep cause I had nothing better to do until I saw out my window that Tweeks bedroom light was on. Because I was grounded I wasn't aloud to go over to his house, or see any of my friends outside of school.
It was stupid.

I really missed Tweek. Even though we see eachother at school everyday. He's my Boyfriend I'm aloud to miss him.

Since he was awake I decided I was gonna go over there.

I quickly put on my blue jacket, my hat, and slipped on my shoes.

I unlock my window quietly, so I didn't wake up my parents or Ruby.

I stepped out of my window onto the roof. I shut my window and climbed off the roof.

I was in the clear.

I walked across the street over to Tweeks. He had this huge ass tree next to his window so I climbed up the tree still trying to be quiet.

I noticed his window was open, so I slipped through the window. He was sitting at his desk play with legos and drinking his coffee. He seemed really calm and composed.

Until he fell out of his chair onto the floor.

I was still standing in front of his window just watching him play with his legos.

"Hey honey." I said in my normal monotone voice and waving slightly.


I just walked over to him and helped him up, off the ground.

"Wait a-aren't you g-grounded?" He said with a confused expansion on his face.

"Yeah, I was just bored." I said looking around his room.

His room was kinda a mess. Beside his window was his bed, all the blankets were ether on the floor or on his bed messily. There were some posters on his wall of bands. Like Weezer, and someone else I didn't know. His floor had legos, puzzles, and other things scarred around his room.

"EK! S-sorry I-I-it's a mess!" He said twitching with some blush on his face. He looked really embarrassed.

"It's fine honey. I don't mind." I said with a small shrug.

I went over to his bed and he followed.

"R-really Craig w-why are y-you here s-so late?" He said turning his head to the side.

"I missed you, and saw that your light was on so I came to see you."

"B-but were g-going to s-see eachother t-tomorrow."

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to see you now."

No one ever saw my romantic side other then Tweek. The way we acted around Jimmy, Tolkien, and Clyde was different from how we acted when we were alone.

"W-well I-I'm happy to s-see you." He said rubbing the back of his neck, blushing a little.

"I am too" I smiled. It was small not a big one.

He smiled to and we kissed.

"Wait babe, why are you up so late?"

"Couldn't s-sleep." He twitched silty.

"Well you wanna cuddle? That could help you sleep"

He nodded and laid down, I laid down next to him. We cuddled until I heard quiet snores coming from him.

I looked over at his clock. It read '5:30am'. I had to be up to get ready for school in 30 minutes. And I know if I am not in my room when my mom comes into wake me up, I will be grounded for longer.

So I slowly got out of Tweeks bed. And left through his window.

I made it back to my house. I looked at my phone '5:45'. Well guess i should just start getting read for school.

////716 words////

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