Annabeth sighed, "The most elusive fox who has never been caught."

"My... so what's been stolen now?" Dionysus asked.

"Well the list would be quite... extensive." Hiraeth chuckled.

"Just the major stuff then." Hermes said leaning forward interested.

"Uh... lets see." Hiraeth said pulling a list out. "Well skipping over the average god and goddesses item that doesn't really matter.... Ares sheild..."


"Hera's diadem..."

"How did that get stolen?"

"Amphitrites necklace...."

"How can the fox go underwater?"

"The sheathe to Nike's sword..."

"She always has that on her." Nyx said confused.

"Hemera's crystal of dawn." Hiraeth said.

"That's not a good thing to misplace." Apollo chuckled nervously.


"What?" Nyx asked, "What did the fox take from me?"

"Your crown, whip and a horse that pulls your chariot." Hiraeth said as he wondered how one fox steals a horse.

"How?" Nyx asked the question many had. "Does he not watch the fox?"

"..." Hiraeth looked up staring at her as he knew exactly how this Y/N would reply. "Lets get onto watching..."

The screen showed the words of 'Hebe's Cookies'



The Olympians seem to have all been caught up in the meeting whilst baby Y/N did as all baby's would do and wandered around. Slowly he got to his small feet and wobbled around trying to not fall.

"He's adorable, but why's he small?" Aphrodite asked.

"Well Hebe asked him to bake some special cookies for her and he tried one to make sure they were good, and the special ingredient babified him." Hiraeth explained.

The thing about baby Y/N was that he seemed to be a quiet baby and and made no sound as he wandered around other than the soft patter of his feet that couldn't be heard over the Olympian's talking.

Apollo however seeemed to have noticed that his son was wandering around the throne room, and was somehow the only one, and so he kept an eye on him.

"Why's my brother the only one that is noticing him?" Artemis asked.

"I see all of course, and he's my son." Apollo reasoned.

"The others may or may not have forgotten he was there." Chaos commented.

While in the meeting Apollo watched as baby Y/N managed to acquire the scarf Aphrodite was wearing.

"How did he take that from around my neck?" Aphrodite asked, clearly confused and she wasn't the only one.

"Your scarf can reach the floor with how long it is, told ya you should shorten it." Hephaestus huffed.

Aphrodite chose to ignore that comment like she usually did.

Hera had simply given him a rattle she made appear when he grabber her leg. Finally he returned to Demeter's feet as he held Poseidon's trident. The trident had transformed into baby safe version that baby Y/n chose to teeth on.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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