Chapter Five

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(Picture is of Kimberly's Winter Showcase dress)

 "That was Blaine," Kurt said, getting off his phone as he joined me in the kitchen as I was washing dishes. Rachel was in the shower. "They lost." I gasped. "Apparently, the new girl, Marley, passed out on stage and the Warblers won."

"That poor girl. I knew she was struggling with an eating disorder. Must have caught up to her like it did to me that one time in rehearsal. So, wait, that's it then. What are they gonna do now?" I asked.

"I don't know. I just feel bad for Blaine. If he was still with the Warblers, he'd be on his way to regionals right now," he walked over to his record collection, finding one to put on.

I thought for a moment, "Do you think I should call Ethan?"

"If you think it'll make him feel better."

I thought for a moment, "No, it probably won't. His ex-girlfriend calling him after he loses his high school glee club career even though the last she spoke to him was when she told him to leave her alone? Yeah, that sounds like a great idea."

"Well, our friends' feelings aside, it's really woken me up to the idea of making the most of the chances that you have. You know? I've got one more chance of getting into NYADA, and I can't blow the audition."

"It's not your last chance, okay? I mean, you can still reapply."

"No. I can't live my life chasing something that the universe tells me I'm not good enough to achieve."

"It's not the universe. It's just Carmen Tibideaux."

"Is there a difference?" he asked, doing an imitation of her voice. "Speaking of Carmen, has she started passing out her golden tickets for the Winter Showcase yet?"

"No. I'm not worried about it. I'm probably not getting one. It'll go to Rachel over me. And besides, the last time a freshman got one was seven years ago. How do you even know about those tickets?"

"I've become very active on the NYADA blogs. I figured the more I know, the better I can streamline my application and audition. The Winter Showcase is like the NYADA Met Ball. Ten students are invited to perform a year. The cream of the cream. She handwrites and hand-delivers each invitation. Just getting invited is a winner. Former winners have gone on to win Emmys, Tonys, Golden Globes, and even an Oscar. They all agree, the proudest and greatest moment of their careers was when Carmen handed them that golden envelope."

Rachel didn't get one Monday.

But I did.

* * * * *

"No! No! No!" Mr. Everett yelled in one of my private lessons with him. "What have I told you over and over again?"

"I rounded out my vowels," I argued.

"No. You did not."

"You suggested I pretend to sing in a British accent so that it would help with the vowels."

"You lost it, and those were some of the worst British vowels I have ever heard. I thought your boyfriend was from London?"
"He's my ex, and yeah, he is."

"How do you expect to perform in the Winter Showcase when you can't even apply what I have taught you?"

"I'm doing a musical theatre piece."

"And you think you're going to belt your way through all the high notes?"
"I can mix."

He laughed, "Barely."

"Okay, fine. You're right. I'm not a good classical singer, but I don't specialize in that. My thing is Broadway. I never plan to perform in an opera or be a classical singer. I don't have any hate against that style, and you are an amazing singer in that field, Mr. Everett, but that's not me. I don't think I have to apologize for that."

New York: Book Four of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now