Chapter Four

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 "Morning," I said to my twin as I came out into the kitchen, walking past him, ruffling his bed hair a little.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking up from his cereal as I went to the pantry.

"I felt like it," I answered, pulling out microwavable oatmeal. "So I know it's early, but today is payday and before I spend money on things I don't necessarily need on top of rent, I want to ask you something."

"Hit me."

I turned to him, "What do you think about going home for the weekend?"

"Like this weekend?"

I nodded.

"For what?"

"Grease, duh. Ethan told me he would love to see me there," I said, putting my oatmeal in the microwave.

"I'm confused–I thought you broke up?"

"We sort of did," I said, going to the coffee pot, pouring myself a cup. "But we plan on getting back together one day. We're just trying to figure things out."

"Well, at least he didn't cheat on you," Kurt said quietly.

I bit my lip, "I shouldn't have asked."

"No, it's okay! Really, it's fine. If you want to go, go."

"I don't want to go alone though. I mean, to show up in Lima without you or Rachel and everyone knows we're living together? . . . Maybe I'll just stay home and tell Ethan I can't make it. I mean, flight is expensive, and I could take my car, but it's getting unreliable sometimes."

"So we're just going to watch the clips our friends post on Facebook?"

"Exactly," I said as my oats finished.

"Maybe we should go."

"Let's talk to Rach later."

* * * * *

Kurt groaned as he, me, and Rachel stretched in the empty dance studio at NYADA. I was all the way down in my straddle whilst Kurt and Rachel were doing assisted stretching together next to me.

"I can't believe you have a dance audition for The Glass Menagerie," Kurt said to Rachel.

"Ivan is a very physical director. All his work is very movement-driven," she said as she pulled my twin forward.

"Oh," he winced through the pain. "Okay, release."

Rachel let go, falling back onto the floor making me laugh as my phone dinged. I grabbed it to see a text, "Oh, Grease update from Tina. Apparently the girl playing Sandy has gained so much weight, she can't fit into her clothes."

"Oh no. That's unfortunate," Rachel said. "But it doesn't really have anything to do with us."

Me and Kurt looked at her.

"No. We're not. We are not going to see it."

"Not gonna see what?" Miss July asked as she walked in with her stuff. "What are you doing in my studio? Practicing for your big audition?"

"Yeah," Rachel said.

"This is my twin brother, Kurt," I said to Miss July. "We're helping her with her audition."

"An honor to meet you," my twin said as Cassie took off her jacket, revealing a sports bra and leggings. "Ooh, you've got some abs."

"That's sweet," Cassie said, walking over to us. "Can you get the barre?" The three of us grabbed it. "So what were you saying? Not going to see what?"

New York: Book Four of the Kimberly Hummel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now