And he knew those who owned both; Diego Reyes, extremely rich and certified lunatic—Trey smiled fondly—and his very own father, the narcissistic Andrew Robinson. The likelihood of it being Diego's was very low, considering he was a whole continent away, and Diego hardly brought out his baby.

Nevertheless, he pulled out his phone to give the idiot a call.

The first thing he said upon answering the video call was, "Sometimes I wonder if you're stupid or you just don't care. Time difference man, I'm sleeping."

Trey admitted he had completely forgotten about the time difference. "I apologize," he said solemnly.

Lights came on and Diego's glaring face filled the screen. "Don't take that regal English tone with me." Trey couldn't help the laugh which escaped him. "I know you need something because you hardly ever call until you need something."

"That's true," Trey reflected, his brows creasing. "I'm sorry."

"I know, but I understand; your life's a mess, and I think this time, it surpassed the crazy in my family." It was the honesty and shock in his voice that made Trey laugh. "I mean it. What's up?"

"You're right about my life being a mess," Trey muttered.

"Yeah, I watched it on TV." He barked out a laugh and it was Trey's turn to glare at him through the phone.

"Can you let me finish speaking?" Diego glared back but relented. "They got bailed out of jail; I think."

"You don't know for sure?" he asked seriously, not needing to ask who Trey was referring to.

"I feel sure they have been, just not a hundred percent—I'm still looking into it. My babies got abducted last night," he added, noting how wide the man's eyes went.

"Holy—" he cut himself off, and Trey thought his wife was probably around. She kept him grounded and from flying off his hinges. "You know, Aaliyah just told me she's pregnant, but I know for sure that I'd kill anyone who lays hand on them when they're born.

"So, I understand you. How can I help?" He spoke so fast Trey could barely keep up. That was how things were for Diego—fast, hence the car.

The car.

"Here's the thing," Trey began, switching the camera to the rear one. "I was checking camera feeds and I saw a J19." He showed Diego the clear image of the car. "They used it as a getaway vehicle."

"There's only two of those." Trey nodded, thinking Diego would catch on immediately, but his mind had other plans. The man was bothered about something else entirely. "And why the hell is J19 a getaway vehicle for kidnappers?" He spat out the words like they tasted foul in his mouth. "Such disrespect."

On that score, Trey agreed. "As you know, only you and my father possess the only two in existence, but I want to be sure yours wasn't stolen or anything like that."

"Stolen?" Diego peered at him for a moment, then he burst out laughing. Trey saw him move. "I wash it myself, I watch like a hawk when I ask them to add parts to better it, so I very much doubt it's stolen. No one even dares look at it at the house."

Trey heard what sounded like a garage door opening, and then the camera was switched and there, in all its glory, was Diego's Jataran J19. "See? She's chilling in the garage."

"Thank you for this." And Trey meant it. Someone else would've gotten defensive and ruined a long standing friendship by saying Trey was calling them a kidnapping accomplice.

"No problem. I understand why, and I'd do the same if I were in your shoes," Diego said, moving away, then he switched the camera back to selfie as Trey had done. "But you do realize that now your dad is a suspect?" he said conversationally.

Trey sighed. "Yes. I'll pay him a visit in person. I need to see his reaction and whatever else to assure myself as to whether he had a hand in it or not."

"You know him more than I do so you do what you think is best. If there's anything else I could do to help, let me know."

Trey grinned then teased, "You're offering freely?"

"Yes. But it expires as soon as you have your kids back with you."

Trey chuckled. "Thanks. It means a lot."

"Don't sweat it," Diego replied easily. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd very much like to go back to the sleep you unceremoniously disturbed."

"You've gotten good at English," Trey murmured with a wry smile.

Diego's answering glare was to die for. "I've always spoken good English. I'm in good spirits, so I'll forget you said that. Now go look for your kids."

Trey smiled, sitting up in the chair. "Congrats by the way. And tell Aaliyah I said hi."

The phone bounced as Diego plopped onto the bed. A muffled voice replied, "If she even remembers you. Now get off my line." He hung up himself, as if to prove a point.

Well, Trey told himself, there was the matter of the new project and he'd deal with what happened to it after his visit to his dad's house. His dad's answers and reaction would tell him all he needed to know.

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