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Kennedy Aross
+4 weeks

"I'm trying." Kennedy cried as she pushed harder. She caught her breath and pushed a little harder.

She felt the big wave of pressure and pain and she knew her baby was out. She had also came early but doctors weren't too worried because she was growing faster than average.

"Wowww...she's a big healthy girl." The nurse spoke and Kennedy heard crying.

Dominic kissed Kennedys forehead and paid close attention to her. "You okay?" He spoke. She nodded as he walked to cut the umbilical cord.

When he was done they placed her on Kennedys chest. "Woah...she is big." Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows as Dominic stood next to her.

The baby had rolls at her young age.

"She's beautiful. What's her name?" The nurse asked. Dominic and Kennedy shared a look. She nodded at him.

"Riley." He spoke. "Beautiful name. Congratulations." The nurse spoke. Kennedy smiled down at her daughter as well as Dominic.


"Kennedy lemme ask you something." He spoke. She turned to look at Dominic as she held the baby who was all cleaned up.

"I know we been in this for a while. We been stuck in the same place in our relationship for years now but I think it's time. I know I've messed up in the past and I know I hurt you. But Im sorry for that and I'm trying to do better for you and my son and my daughter. All I'm saying is...will you give me another chance to be your husband and marry me?" He questioned.

Kennedy thought about this for a long few seconds before she nodded. "Yes." She spoke. He smiled as he walked over.

She shared a kiss with him. He slipped the bigger ring on her finger.

"I love you." She mumbled against his lips. "I love you too." He spoke as he pulled away. He reached down and grabbed his daughter.

He brought her up to his face and kissed her cheek before smiling at her. "My pretty lil girl." He smiled as he talked with her while walking back and forth.

Dominic didn't show it but he was ecstatic. He was getting the life he had wanted since he was a little boy. He was living in a huge house making lots of money and now he had a beautiful fiancé and 2 children to shared the home with. He had finally built a family. He felt so accomplished.

"Where's my son?" Kennedy asked as Dominic sat down on the edge of the bed. "Ya dad bringing him." He replied and she nodded.

"Dominic since we're actually getting married now I just wanna say that I want you to be very honest with me about everything. I know your very honest now but sometimes you don't tell me little things that do matter because you feel like they don't matter. Tell me any and everything Dominic. We're one now." She spoke.

He nodded. He thought about telling her about the situation with his mother and her father but decided against it because it would mean announcing her parents divorce which they wanted to announce at their own time.

Soon the room door opened revealing Rebecca , Thomas and Lynn and symere.

"Hi how are you sweet girl?" Rebecca smiled at her daughter. "Hey Dominic." She waved earning a wave back.

"Daddyyy." Symere smiled making Dominic smiled as he hugged him.

"I'm fine. Hi dad , hi Lynn." Kennedy smiled. They all greeted each other.

"Let me hold my grand daughter nigga?" Thomas spoke. "Oh yeah. She's gonna be a daddy's girl for sure." Rebecca smiled at how Dominic didn't take his eyes off of her.

Symere sat in bed with his parents and he looked at his little sister.

"Y'all I have something to say." Thomas stood up and Kennedy watched.

"Kennedy me and your mother divorced a few months ago. We kept it a secret from you and your sister." Her father spoke and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Wha-why-" he cut her off quickly. "I'm not finished yet. Don't say anything. Me and Lynn are getting married. We're engaged." He spoke and it went quiet. Dominic sighed as he was clearly stressed while he itched his head.

"Excuse me? What is wrong with you dad?" She quickly grew furious.

"No y'all are NOT getting married. And why would you come up in here and play in my mothers face like that? You both can leave." She explained as her voice shook.

"I'm marrying Dominic. You can not marry his mother." She spat. "Kennedy I'm a grown man. We didn't plan on Java wedding. We're already married , we've signed a contract." He spoke and Kennedy was so mad she couldn't stand right now.

"I DONT CARE. leave daddy. I can't believe you would do that to me. You know how much I wanted to get married to the father of my kids and you marry his mother. LEAVE." she shouted as she grew emotional.

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