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Kennedy Aross
+4 weeks

"Gimme a kiss." Kennedy puckered her lips. Dominic leaned down and kissed her lips as he held Symere.

"Mmm." She hummed as he pulled away. "gimme another one." She spoke. He chuckled before kissing her lips again. She placed a hand on her belly and kissed symeres cheek. "tell daddy happy birthday." Kennedy spoke.

"Happy birthday." He spoke. "thank you lil man." He spoke as he heard a honk outside. "Oh grandma outside." He walked to the door with Kennedy.

She slipped her shoes on and him as well. They headed out to Lynn's car. "hey." She smiled as Dominic opened the back seat door.

"Hey." They spoke. He placed his son in the car and buckled him in before speaking.

"You be good, aight?" He spoke. Symere nodded. "happy birthday son." Lynn smiled.

"Thank you ma." He spoke as he leaned down to kiss his son's cheek. "I love you." He spoke.

"Love you too." He smiled. "Love you." Kennedy waved and he waved with a smile as Dominic shut the door.

The two waved and headed inside. She shut and locked the door. "I got you gifts but...you'll open them later. What do you wanna do for your birthday?" She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and looked up at him.

"You." He mumbled as he kissed her cheek and jawline. She smiled. "no dominic. I mean we could do that later but let's go have fun?" She smiled.

"It's my birthday. I wanna do it now and later." He spoke. "seriously?" She smiled. He nodded as he lifted her up bridal style.

"Alright. Fine." She smiled as she kissed his lips. he carried her to the couch and placed her down.

He climbed in between her legs.


"You don't need to do your makeup baby." Dominic explained. "Thank you but I want to." She spoke as she continued to put setting powder on.

"But im done." She began putting her makeup away. "you getting so big." He slipped his hands on her belly.

"I knowww. She really stretched me out. Symere didn't do me this bad." She frowned as she zipped her makeup bag up.

"Good. My baby girl is healthy." He placed a hand on her belly where the baby was kicking.

He pulled away. "You going out looking all good and shit ion like that." He mumbled. "We're not even together Dominic." She spoke.

"Kennedy you better act like you know. So you just popping out kids for a nigga you ain't with?" He asked.

She smacked her lips. "Im just playing. I love you." She smiled as she toyed with his beard. "Matter fact....lemme go with you." He licked his lips.

"No go with your friends cuz that's what you wanted to do right?" She rolled her eyes. "But I'm just tryna figure out why you getting cute and doing yo makeup to go hang with ya friends?" He spoke.

"Cuz I am....you gonna get your hair cut to go hang out with yo friends and be a hoe." She rolled her eyes.

"You know Ian looking at nobody but you. Matter fact, stay here so I can come home to my wife and beat it up." He spoke.

"Eww no old man." She laughed. "Your really 40....and I'm only 24." She sighed thinking about it.

"But I love you dada." She wrapped her arms around him. "Kennedy what I tell you about calling me that?" He spoke making her laugh as she pulled away.

"Ok ,I gotta go." She spoke. "Love you." He grabbed her waist and cuffed her butt. He kissed her cheek. "Mhm. You too." She mumbled.

"Dominic let me go..." she spoke.


Kennedy sat at the bar talking with the man that sat next to her. She smiled at the dark skinned man who licked his lips.

"You sure this aint my baby? Tell me Kennedy cuz I wanna bet there for my daughter." He spoke.

She shook her head no. "I'm pretty sure this isn't your baby. We hadn't slept with each other in like a month THEN I start sleeping with someone else and I didn't find out I was pregnant for like another 2 months." She spoke.

Little did she know that Dominic had came to the same club with his friends.

The man nodded as he sipped from his glass of Hennessy. "So you having babies on me?" He chucked. She smiled as she turned to him.

"No..." she spoke as a light skinned man walked up to the two. "Kennedy what you doing here?" She heard.

She turned around and mugged Joseph. "You da homie baby mama.... Nah I'm telling that nigga." He laughed. She watched as he walked off.

"Great I'll have to deal with him when I get home." She sighed . Trey furrowed his eyebrows. "You live with yo baby daddy?" He asked.

"Um....no not really." She spoke. "Yes or no Kennedy?" He asked. "No. I just spend the night there a lot." She spoke.

"So basically yeah. It's fuck me huh?" He spoke as she stood up. She shook her head no as he slipped his Hand around her waist.

She smiled as he puckered his lips. She shook her head. "I can't kiss you trey." She spoke as she placed a hand on the side of his face.

"Why not?" He smiled at her making it impossible for her to turn him down. She leaned down and kissed his lips.

"This what you doing now?"

Kennedy pulled away and her eyes flew open. Trey smiled as the taste of her lips lingered on to his.

She turned her head and seen Dominic holding a glass of Hennessy and looking down in the glass.

"Dominic it's not like that..." she removed his hand. "Nah fuck it Kennedy. Do you. If that's what you really wanna do. But I'm the nigga paying ya bills, Remember that." He pointed.

"This is just my friend.." she spoke as trey stood up. "She ain't a friend of mine. I was about to be her baby daddy. Ion think friends do that." He shook his head with a chuckle beg walking off.

Dominic shook his head at Kennedy before sipping from his cup. "It's straight. Do you." He nodded before turning around and walking off. She sighed.

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