The accident

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⚠️ Self harm and suicide warning ⚠️

Sans held the knife in his hand, his hand trembling as he remembered the damage that these have always done to him, starting at the sharp, thin metal is giving him a headache, so he looks down at his wrist, prepped over the sink, ready to be cut with the sharp blade. He thinks of all the times that he's failed everyone he loves, just because he's lazy and won't ever do anything before it's far, far too late. He can't ever find the will to hurt the kid before everyone is dead. Everyone but him and Asgore. He hates himself.

Taking a deep breath, holding it, then releasing it, he recites his plan in his head. One thin cut straight across his wrist, that's all it should take to clear his head of these stupid thoughts. He always gets a clear head when he's hit by the human, the excruciating pain helping him clear his mind. This should do the same, just without the whole killing him part. Sure it would probably get him very low on hp but he doesn't have much to lose.

He brings the knife to bone the thin blade tickling a bit as he prepares to cut, he can almost think it amusing that the very thing that killed him time and time again is going to be what helps him today. Finally, he digs in and drags the blade down across his wrist.

He gasps loudly as he feels that clear head he craved, eyes unfocused as he stares into the mirror, head feeling fuzzy. He quickly and panickedly looks at his hp.

Sans: HP 0/1

*Made a stupid mistake
*Is on his last breath

Sans jerked his hand back from the sink before collapsing into dust on the floor.

It didn't take all that long for Papyrus to return home, he knew something was wrong, that's part of why he came rushing home. He could feel it on his bones that something had happened to his brother, he was in a panic, he didn't even shut the front door, not caring about the snow that got inside. He wastes no time in running up the stairs, almost tripping several times, but that didn't stop him. He had to know what had happened.


Pap screamed at the top of his non-existent lungs somehow, those who were close outside of Sans and Paps' house had heard his scream, they were all worried, but they didn't dare to interrupt or ask what was wrong. Papyrus was too focused on finding his brother or what had happened to him. As he got up the stairs he immediately ran to Sans' room, he didn't bother knocking, he just opened the door, he ran inside Sans' room but quickly noticed that he wasn't in there. He panicked more, he ran to the closet to check if Sans was perhaps hiding in the closet.... But he already knew his brother wouldn't be in there. He just wanted to make sure. He quickly ran out and to the bathroom door, he knocked on the door.


He tried to open the door... Locked. Of course. Papyrus didn't even try to ask Sans to open the door, he threw himself against the door to try and open it. He threw himself against the door a second time, breaking the door open.

He looked down to see the dust of his brother... On the ground.... He could suddenly feel the tears falling down his face, he shakily walked over and dropped to his knees, he couldn't stop himself from crying as he grabbed Sans' jacket and held it close to him, sobbing as he tried to put words together but just couldn't. His brother was dead, his first thought was that someone had done this to him.... Until he saw the knife on the sink... His cries grew louder as he screamed


Sans was in shock at what had happened, and why he was still able to see and hear what was going on... He should have been dust?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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