Seeing that no one was moving, Tami was the first to step forward and engulf Kendall in a hug. He felt her squeezing so tight he swear the air left his lungs. Soon the air was even less as more arms wrapped around his body.

Except for Nehemiah.

He didn't want to hug him, yet at the same time he did. He wanted to scream at him but kiss him at the same time. Wanted to question, yet tell him how much he missed him.

Instead, he just watched taking in the fact that he was okay.

When all the hugs were done Kendall thought the questions would come flooding in. Instead, he was met with the offer to hang out with his friends at Nehemiah's for the night since that was where they all planned to be.

That offer didn't come from Nehemiah himself.

"No thank guys. I'm really tired, maybe we can catch up tomorrow or something." Was Kendall's counteroffer to which they agreed. Being satisfied with his answer, the group departed heading back to Nehemiah. However the latter stayed put.

Kendall and Nehemiah stared at one another. Neither expected to be left alone with the other.

"We can stare or we can speak." Kendall spoke.

"I um...I'm sorry about your grandma."

"Thanks." Kendall nodded as he played with the handle on his suitcase. Anything was better than having direct eye contact with Nehemiah right now.


Kendall knew Nehemiah was asking for more. But he couldn't give that to him. His brain was still processing this interaction.

"I don't know what you expect me to say right now. All of this is a lot for me Miah." "I don't expect you say anything. I just wanna look at you. I miss you."

Nehemiah's words caught both of them by surprise leaving both of them stuck on what to say next causing anything staring contest between the two.

They both stared at one another as they took notice of how much they both have changed since the last time they saw one another.

Nehemiah had grown an inch or two, adding more inches to his already tall figure. He also grew his hair out which he now wore in twists instead of a fade. His face had matured and it was hard to miss the facial hair that was now starting to grow on his chin and upper lip.

Miah took notice of how Kendall's body hadn't changed that much despite the fact that his one thin body seemed to be fuller. It wasn't much weight gain, but just the right amount in Nehemiah's eyes.

They both thought about what to do next.

Old Ken would've jumped in his arms like he always did when he saw Nehemiah. It didn't matter the situation, he was always extra. Now it looked like he feared being around him. Kentrell's face was covered in stress and exhaustion now making Nehemiah wonder what's been happening during the time he's been gone.

Eventually, the silence and the staring got awkward, causing both of them to look at the ground.

"I know it's late and I can see you exhausted, but maybe you still have a little bit of energy left to go grab a bite to eat?" Nehemiah asked.

"Like you said it's late and I'm tired so I really would like to get some rest. I've been up since six this morning."

"We can go through the drive-thru and I'll bring you right back home." "Nehemiah, can we do this another day?"

"You might not even be here another day. Ken, please say yes. Everybody would be shocked that I'm even asking you to go out right now. I just wanna talk, please."

"Miah I can't. It's not that I don't want to talk to you, it's just I'm not ready. A lot needs to be said, more than you can ever imagine and I'm just not ready to have that conversation with you just yet."

"Okay then, I won't push it. Just promise me that you'll talk to me before you leave again, please." "I promise. It's really cold out here and I'm tired, are we done here?"


Kendall let Nehemiah help him take his bags to the front steps and no further. They awkwardly said bye to one another before Nehemiah crossed the street to go back to his home.

He entered his home to hear the house completely quiet but seen his friends standing around the living room waiting for him. He doesn't know why, but he felt his meltdown happen before he could stop himself.

Immediately he was engulfed in his own bear hug. He let all the pain, sadness, and hurt onto their shoulders and they let him.

He knew he would be embarrassed about this tomorrow. This meltdown was proving that everyone had been right about how he was feeling this whole time.

It was overwhelming for him. Having to stand there and see him after so long was like a fever dream. It didn't feel real, but it very much was and it was all catching up to him.

No one judged Nehemiah as they held him. They knew it would happen sooner or later.

Seeing a relationship as passionate as Nehemiah's and Kendall's was and not be bothered by it or to just 'Let it go' was too good to be true. Everyone has already realized that except for Nehemiah.

Unfourtanely, he wouldn't be able to lie to them or to himself anymore.

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